Part 4.

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Nozomi's POV

After the long interview and ship wars. We calmed down and decided to eat dinner on the 8th floor of the hotel. It was a buffet that was paid by the Love Live staffs, so it was technically free.

We all sat in chairs around a huge round table. 

I sat in an empty seat while Eli's took the seat besides me. Honoka on the other side.

I really enjoy Eli's company but she didn't have to be near me all the time. Not that I mind.

Honoka and Hanayo were arguing on what they should get. Rice or bread.

Umi sighed, "It's a buffet. There's probably rice and bread there. You don't have to fight about it." Hanayo and Honoka eyes glinted with joy.

Rin shot up from her seat, "There gotta be ramen then nya~?" Then bursted off to the direction of the dishes. Maki sighed and scrolled through her phone. Nico was doing the same but with selfies. Umi and Kotori then went off together to get some food. I stood up and looked towards Eli.

"Well then let's feast then?" Eli looked up to me smiling.

I smiled back. 

A few minutes later. Everyone was back at the table. Hanayo and Honoka were having a competition on who can eat the most. Rin was on her 6th bowl of ramen. Umi was on her first plate of curry rice with a side dish of wrapped Manjuu. Kotori finished her foreign food and was overdosing on cheesecakes. Nico and Maki said they'll eat later.

Me and Eli were eating normally.

Eli ate some borscht and and was gifted with some weak alcoholic chocolates. 

I was eating a lot of yakiniku and rice. I didn't eat a lot since I didn't feel like it.

I set my plate aside and sighed in relief. I turned towards Eli,

"The sleeping schedule is an hour from now. Three rooms were booked and we both are going to sleep with Nico in the same room."

Eli replied, "Well it's according to our academic years."

I hummed in response. Apparently Hanayo had won and Honoka grumbled. Hanayo got up, left and returned with a rice cooker with more rice. She's really hungry... Rin was now on her 8th bowl...What are they trying to prove...?

Umi was still on her first plate. Eating very slowly and tapping her lips with tissue every second.

Kotori chirped every time she took a bite of her cake.

Maki and Nico went off to get food finally.

Eli and I just sat there watching everyone.


We finally got to our hotel rooms. Nico looked terrified and muttered something about third wheeling. Eli sped up to the 1 large bed. It looked like we three had to share it. Nico looked even more frightened.

"Uh. I'll take the couch if you guys don't mind," The ruby eyed girl said. Eli arched an eyebrow, "I thought you love your beauty sleep?"

"Yeah I do. I— I won't fit on the bed and uh yeah that's all," she said. Seemingly trying to avoid the topic.

"Suit yourself." The blonde spoke.

I sat on the right side of the bed and placed my belongings beside the sideboard. Eli did the same but on the left side.

"Nicocchi, you sure you don't want to sleep with us?" I asked Nico.

"Yes. Definitely. 100%." She replied too quickly and ran off to the bathroom. What was her problem?

Eli took off her top when I had turned around to say something. My voice hitched. I stared at her body with her undergarments still on. I could I was gaping and couldn't avert my eyes away. This was like the other night.

I felt my face heat up and covered it with my arm and swiftly turned around before she noticed I was staring.

Eli took notice with the weird action I was doing with my arm. "Nozomi? What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing. Just searching for c-clothes." I pulled my bag towards me and searched for my pajamas. I turned around slowly with Eli fully clothed and covered with the blanket. She laid her head against the headboard, with a book in her hand. She was wearing her reading glasses. I turned around back.

I sighed then proceed to change. I took off my day wear. Calm down. It's normal. We're just friends. We do this everyday. Eli isn't teasing right now— yet I feel a deep stare drilling into my back. I slightly shivered and buttoned my pajamas up. I turned around slowly and Eli looked concentrated on her book.

Nico came out of the bathroom in pajamas and a face mask. She couldn't speak so she made a hand gesture pointing out the door and made a number 1.

I didn't get it and she left. Eli was reading her book but answered my perplexed look.

"She's visiting Maki."

Ah. I see.

"Probably staying over most likely."

I sighed then got into the covers besides Eli. She looked at me then smiled. My face was heating up again and it felt tingly weird. She closed her book and slipped off the covers, 

"I'll go wash my face up and brush my teeth." 

A minute later she came back and I went to do the same. We both slid into the covers. I took a light switch remote and switched the light off except a night lamp that was above us, screwed to the wall.

I closed my eyes but quickly opened them when Eli said,

"What do you think about— NozoEli?"

Why is she asking that? "Uh, nice...?"

"I see...Are we just friends?"

I frowned, "Of course not. We're best friends, Elicchi. Don't ask something so silly."

"Silly...Huh." She said quietly. I raised a brow.

"Well what do you think about NicoMaki and the others?" Eli asked. Her tone of voice sounding a bit desperate.

"Uh, I really think Nico and Maki likes each other? Just too afraid to admit it? The rest are sweet I guess."


"Why are you even asking this?" I asked. Eli turned her back towards me. 

"Just curious,"

"Anyways, sleep tight, Nozomi. We have to give 150% to the performance tomorrow." 

Why was Eli asking this? Why is she acting moody?

"Goodnight..." I said, snuggling my head towards Eli's back.


Didn't proof read this so rip and I wrote this at 5 AM and it's almost 6. One more chapter to go. It's going to be the performance and backstage shiz. I'm back to school but I'll be uploading the next one a few weeks later.

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