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Being alone for a long period of time can really affect the way you think. I've been on guard ever since my last relationship ended. It was the typical relationship expected to crash and burn. I knew this would happen from the start, what do you expect when you date someone known for sleeping around.

So now I've got myself hurt and in the bad light to the eyes of the public. It was always like that, they always think that I'm making myself out to be the victim when it's the real situation. I never pretend to be hurt and to be the one scarred unles it's true.

I've got many friends that I know will back me up, but I know I only have a few that will so far as live the moment with me. I've also now been protective of myself when it comes to friendship. I didn't want anyone using me to achieve overnight fame. I worked hard for where I am now and it'll only be fair for them to work for the spotlight too.

It's been 2 years since I ended my last relationship, and I think that I'm about ready to get out and find love in someone else. Someone right.







-hiii ok i've never done a story like this before where i write what the characters feel so sorry if it sucks, and if i say that a song is about someone and you correct me, pls gtfo. that is the way i wrote it and that's how it's gonna be. if u don't like it, u are free to stop reading :-)

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