//Part 2🥀\\

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(Izaiah in the mm)
(Time of story- 6:00 am)

I woke up in a pool of my own dried up blood

Gee thanks for carrying me to my room bro😒

I tried to stand only to fall right back down because the pain in my body was still there so I crawled all the way to my room wincing every once in a while and stopping because the pain was starting to become unbearable

When I finally got to my room I crawled into the bathroom and sat on the floor with my back against the tub and then I remembered about school...


Looks like imma have to skip today
And with that being said I ran my bath water and then took off all my clothes while sitting and then once my water was done I turned off the faucet put in some dove sope with a little epsom salt to help with the wounds a little and then I got in, the water was nice and warm so I relaxed and felt my muscles loosen up which made me sigh in relief

I didn't get out until the water got cold and my hands turned into raisins I stood up and the pain wasn't that bad but it was still there lingering in my body that's when I looked in the mirror

I didn't even recognize myself there were cuts all over my face, bruises coated my arms, face, and ribs, and my face was still a little swollen and then one by one the tears started rolling down my face until a sob bursted out of my mouth I ran into my room and threw on a bra and underwear, lotion Ed my body, and then put on a sweater and some boy shorts I grabbed my stash of weed, rolling paper, and a lighter and climbed up the tree in the side of my house and stepped onto my roof I rolled up and then lit it, after a few puffs I started to relax so I layed back and looked up at the sky

"Hey mom, hey dad how's it going? Life is going great for me, I go to school get bullied by the same girls over and over again until they feel like they've done enough damage, then I come home just for my brother to put his hands on me too so yeah life is going absolutely perfect I couldn't ask for a better one" After I said that I felt a new set of tears coming "I just want you guys to come back, please come back, why did you leave me here alone? Huh? HUH? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! I NEED YOU GUYS BUT YOU ARENT THERE! I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE!" I said bursting out in tears... again "Kaniyah" my voice cracked, just saying her name feels dirty to me because if it wasn't for me she'd still be alive

she'd still be alive

"Kaniyah Im so sorry, you said you wanted to leave but I was so he'll bent on making us stay that in the end it wasn't even worth it because we didn't walk out together I walked out but I walked out traumatized, raped, confused, disgusted, and utterly disgusted, Kaniyah if you can hear me just know that no matter what I will always love you and if you can't find it in your heart to forgive me I understand but I just wanted to say I'm so so so sorry" After I said that I took another few drags from my blunt and then when I was done I put out the blunt flung it from off top the roof and started making my way into my room I popped a Advil to help with the pain and then decided to lay down but once you finish smoking you know you want munchies after so I put on some furry sandals grabbed my phone, wallet, and my AirPods and walked out the door my brother isn't home yet so that gives me enough time to do whatever it is I wanna do

Starting with cleaning up the house

But first I need ma munchies🤪

As I was walking I heard a car driving down the block but a car never passed me so I turned my head to see the car silently following right behind me so first I walked a little faster until I was almost running to the store but the car stopped at the corner and then the person got out the car

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