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Satsuki POV

I had been following reports of monsters destroying small villages. As expected they were life fiber beasts, "Perfect it's raining." I said as rain began pouring down, I killed all but one which ran after I killed the others. I chased it to a house where the beast claimed another victim, a young woman, suddenly a sound came from inside the house, "WAHHHHH!" A baby cried, 'A BABY?!' I thought as I ran into the house as the beast reached for the child, suddenly brilliant blue flames engulfed the infant and when the flames touched the beast they engulfed it and only it burned. "Anti-life fiber flames?" I said in shock as the flames around the child died away. The baby began to cry once again until I walked over to him and picked him up. "I think I've found the final member of my student council." I said as he chewed on a bit of my hair that fell over my shoulder. "If I'm going to keep you then you will need a name." I said, "How about (y/n), yes (y/n) Kiryuin." I said as I walked away with him.

"Welcome home Lady Satsuki, will your guest be staying?" Soroi asked, "Yes, however he is not a guest Soroi he lives here now. He is my son." I said as (y/n) chewed on his fingers, "Very well my lady." He said as we walked into the mansion. "I shall go prepare a room for the young master." He said, "No set up a crib in my room." I said as I sat down, "Very well ma'am, would you like me to bring you your cup of coffee?" He asked, "No, I'll have a cup of tea." I said, "Yes my lady." He said.

"(y/n) when your older this will be yours. It will be a symbol of your strength, the strength that you were born with and the strength you will earn for yourself." I said as I held him up so he could see into the glass case.

" I said as I held him up so he could see into the glass case

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He looked at the sword and tried to touch it. "No, your not ready for it yet." I said, "My Lady your bath is ready." Soroi said, "Come (y/n) let's go get you a bath." I said as I carried him to the bath.


"Miss Kiryuin do you know why I called you here today?" The principal of (y/n)'s preschool asked, "No." I said, "It's about your son, he has instigated and participated in twelve fights in the past two weeks." She said, "And this is a problem?" I said, "Very much so yes." She said, "Tell me who runs this school?" I said, "I do." She said, "Wrong, my son runs this school. I am the one who supplies your school's funding, now if I were to take (y/n) out of this institution what do you think would happen?" I said, "W...We'd be just fine, w...we functioned perfectly well before we had your money!" She said, "Well let's test your theory." I said as I left.

"Mama mad?" (y/n) asked, "Not at all, you were demonstrating your strength, and that strength must be nurtured." I said as we walked away.

Override (Male child reader X adoptive mother Satsuki Kiryuin)Where stories live. Discover now