9 · [ No Air ]

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FILMING S6 - Reimagined


Myles was on set early, it was night and there was big plottwist coming in the episode they were filming. Sage ( Summer ) was excited too. They were still reading through their scripts.

"I have a kiss scene! Finally!" Sage smiled.

He looked down at his script. Kisses Summer. He's got the scene too. Thank the writers it's not Isaiah who gets it. It's been a while since Noah has had a love interest on the show who he's got an off the bat connection with. And they don't date straight away. Unlike he and Jacquie did. This is slow burn.

The older cast member was happy he was getting that sort of storyline.

It had been a while since Henry came back without Summer after they went off to rehearse. Noah was not happy with this and went to Studio 1 to see if he could find her. That's when he found her actually practising unlike his best friend was.

"Summer," she turned around. "..Henry left you alone.. you okay?" The brunette nodded. "I'm fine. I told him to go." The dance captain neared to the dancer. He wanted to know what was really up with her.

The silence didn't give him much, until they found themselves staring into one another's eyes. "Your choreography is really great." she said, breaking the gaze and sitting on the bench. He sighed. Noah picked up her jacket and gave it to her, then sat beside her after she moved across so he could sit. At least that's what he hoped.

Summer looked up at him. "Funny how people always think we're together." "Yeah. It's a coincidence they mostly see us when we're hanging out." She couldn't help but smile at his reply. "It is funny..." The brunette put her jacket on the other side of her as she suddenly lost all sense of nerve.

He was hoping she wouldn't run off. She was hoping he wouldn't say it was a mistake afterwards. The once formed shared stare into one another's eyes came back. Blue on Green. Green on Blue. They leaned in slowly, both were sure someone was going to come bursting in and ruin it. But that would've been him anyway.

Noah gently pressed his lips against hers. She was taken back a bit but kissed him back. They were kissing. It was slow and timed out unlike the others. He didn't take the initiative. This time, it was him who made the first move. Now being older, he knows it better. She didn't make it first but it didn't matter. They'd actually not sat far away from one another. So the kiss was better and less awkward than they expected.

Once they pulled away, the two shared a goofy smile at one another. "Do you want to learn the next section of the dance?" He asked. "I'd love to." The dance captain stood first and took her hands, helping her off the bench. Then they ran through the rest of the choreography.
                End Scene

"CUT!" The director yelled. Sage and Myles walked off set. "What a scene." she said to her co star as they walked through the set. "Very. I didn't think Noah and Jacquie would break up like that." He admitted. They got to wardrobe where everyone else was getting ready and talked about the scene and their characters.

Shelby ( Amy ) ran up to Sage. "You did it ahhh!" Sage blushed and said it was nothing. "Yes it was! The chemistry looked so real!" She looked over at Myles who was talking to Liam ( Finn ) along with Noah Z ( Kingston ) and laughing about it.

"Whatcha looking at?" she turned back to face her friend. "Nothing. I've got to go change outfits." she left the newly blonde standing there in such confusion as she immediately went into her dressing room.

Her first kiss scene as part of the show. She didn't want Summer to end up with Henry, she wanted Summer to be the one Noah ends up with. Even if she didn't want to admit it, Myles was by far the better kisser. She'd wanted to kiss him all over again. That's not how it works though. They're just friends. Friends that like to kiss.

Sage stood in her change room, sighing to herself. She'd kissed Myles. He didn't say anything about it. But that was a scene. Acting. When she came out in her Dance B outfit, she saw that Isaiah ( Henry ) and Shelby were actually getting close, sitting together outside his change room. She'd always figured something between them would spark something. And then she was right.

Suddenly she got a notification on her phone.

From Myles E.
Meet me by the stairs?

To Myles E.
Sure! Be right there!

From Myles E.
See you there! We have a scene tomorrow as well!


Sage made her way to the staircase. Myles had texted her, telling her to meet him there. Yet still no sight of him. So she sat on the bottom step, taking random selfies and videos.

"Hiiiii! I luv you allll!"

That's when she felt a presence behind her. "Hey guys!" The brunette was startled. She smiled and ended the video, captioning it 'He always scares me' with a laughing face emoji and a yellow heart. Then she posted it to her story, it tagging Myles in it.

"Well I almost fell off the steps, M."

He couldn't help but laugh at her shock. "Sorry Sage, I'll try harder to make myself known next time." Sage couldn't stay mad, he was so damn attractive when he smiled. Myles noticed her observing him with precision as he sat down beside her. Those blue eyes slowly made their way up and down his body, which caused a smirk to form upon his face.

She instantly blushed as she realised that he'd seen her checking him out. "Like what you see huh?" "Nope." she joked, standing up and putting her phone in her pocket. His smug expression suddenly faltered. No? At that point, he was not liking her teasing.

As Sage went to exit, he put an arm around her waist and drew her closer to him. "Tell me you think I'm attractive?" She shook her head and giggled as she tried to escape his grasp. He twisted her around to face him, looking deeply into her eyes as the laughter stopped and the silly feeling was replaced by instant admiration and silence. "I think you are definitely hot." She said, not letting the gaze break from his eyes.

That's when both had the urge. To experiment with these feelings. They leaned in closer, lips barely brushing against one another's when they heard someone else entering which made them immediately separate. Acting like nothing happened.

"Hey Guys! Either of you want pizza?" Alex Chaves had come to ask them about food.

"Yeah." they replied in unison, staring at each other blankly.

She nodded and made her way back to the change rooms. "We should- head back.." "Yeah, I still need to find my hairtie in that mess you created." He raised an eyebrow. "You wish!" The man started running, followed by the girl who didn't want her stuff misplaced by him. Myles was quite unorganized for a man of many talents outside dance.

Even with tension, that couldn't stop what they had. It would happen, sooner or later. Fate just had to take place first.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2019 ⏰

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