Take me higher!

707 14 1

Freddie went to Jim house for Jim.
He was very nervous,because tonight must be perfect.

He rang the doorbell

Jim opened the door. Freddie barely had a say, Jim was very handsome and Freddie really loved him.

"Hello darling."
Freddie said

"Hello Freddie." Said Jim

freddie held a rose behind him back.
he gave it to Jim.

"This is your's sweetheart."

Jim blush and could not speak.
 that's all he said.

And he kiss Freddie.

Freddie blushed and smiled.
"Are we going?"
Jim asked and took Freddie's hand.

"Yes my life!"
Said Fredddie

they went for a walk. They held hands and talked.

They sat on a bench be
nex to the lake.
freddie squeezed Jim's hand and said.

"I'd like to tell you something. Or rather ask."

freddie looked into Jim's eyes.
"I don't know how to ask, it's a delicate subject," Freddie said

"You can ask me anything."
Jim said, then smiled.

"I thought we could have sex tonight," Freddie said and biting his lip

Jim blushed and looked nervous.

"What's wrong? If you don't want to, you don't have to, I just really want you and didn't know how to ask."Freddie said

Jim caught Freddie's mouth.

"I really want you, you know ..."
Jim bowed his head.
"I haven't been with a man yet ... you know anal"

"How come?"
Freddie asked then squeezed Jim's hand.

"I'm just afraid that it would hurt. When I did it with a man, he said he was hurting a little."said Jim

"Then give it a try. I'll do my best not to hurt and you'll enjoy it." Freddie  said

"Okay we do it"
Jim said and kissed Freddie.

Then they went to Freddie's house.
Nobody was home outside of them.
They were drinking some wine.And alughed.

freddie stroked Jim's thigh.
Then he took his hand and take him to the upstairs.

Jim went after him.

Jim was surprised when Freddie took him to the bathroom.

"I'm fine here, but maybe the bedroom would be more comfortable."
Jim said

Freddie laughed and said.
"Before we go into the  bedroom, we can have some romance in the bath room."

"What do you mean?"
asked Jim but before he could finish his sentence Freddie kissed him.

freddie first unbuttoned his shirt.
Then his pants.
 Jim wanted to do that to, but Freddie said so

"No, I will do it."

then unbuttoned Jim's shirt and smoothed his hand over Jim's chest.

Jim took a deep breath and bit his lip.

then took off the shirt from freddie.
And Freddie from Jim.
 they kissed and stroked each other. until they were both naked.

"What are we going to do now?"
Jim asked trembling

Take me higher! Jimercury Fanfic (English)Where stories live. Discover now