The First Of The Seven

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It was three in the morning on the 26th of August and six family's from all over the world are giving birth one family with twins at 4:30 am all six of the mothers gave birth but none of them survived when the baby's first cried a lion spirit stood above five the newborns a blue one above one of the twins a boy name lance, a red one above a boy named keith, a yellow above a boy named hunk, a green lion above a girl named Katie and a black one above a boy named shiro three of the the children had pointy ears being both the twins and a boy named coran and only the twins had coloured marks on their cheeks light blue on lance and pink on his sister alura. The family's of the seven children all read of the other children and all decided to put them all in the same orphanage instead of separate, they all wanted to 'rid of the that killed their mothers', and so all seven children grew up together alura, lance and coran called them selves alteans because of their ears and alura made stories about lance and herself coming from royalty because of their marks, the twins thought of coran as their family and the three were close. Shiro and keith thought of themselves as brothers, Katie, hunk and lance are best friends and alura and shiro are friends so all seven of them are like a team. Today they all turned 4 and were walking in the woods when "wait for me kacchan!" A green haired boy says "just hurry and cross the bridge kit, but be careful!" A spiked blond replys just and the gennette passes halfway on the log bridge he slips and falls into a river the boy struggles to stay above the water as the blonde tries to reach him and "splash" alura and coran look to where the other five were and the were gone lance had jumped in the river and grabbed the green haired boy while the other four children and the blonde had made a link chain to get them back up, once all of the children were safe the started introductions "I'm katsuki bakugo and this is izuku aizawa" (yes I just did that) the katuki says while holding the greenette close "I'm shiro this is keith, the twins alura and lance, Katie and hunk" shiro says "dont you have last names?" Katsuki asks "no none of us do, we live in the orphanage across the park" lance says "oh" katsuki says as the greenette pokes him in the shoulder and does a whole lot of hand movements and katsuki nods and says "izuku here doesn't talk much, he only ever talks to me when where alone" izuku nods and so does lance "izuku says you seven need a name for your little group" "and does he have any ideas?" Shiro says "he says voltron?" Izuku nods and lance yells "perfect, the palidins of voltron" "we could be colour coded" pidge says "pidge your a ginus" hunk exclaims "I try" they answer "isn't her name Katie?" Katsuki asks "yes their name is Katie but people call them pidge because they dont like being katie" alura says the two boys let little "ohhhhs" out "voltron we need to get back to the orphanage" coran says "oks" came from voltron "GOODGBYE FOX AND RABBIT! WE WILL SEE YOU BOTH AT UA" lance yells as voltron run the 50 meters back to the orphanage "why did you call them fox and rabbit?" Shiro asks lance "they were their spirit animals" he relays while shutting the door to his room.

~Time skip 2 years (the are now six)~

{ rundown of their quirks
Izuku: manipulation of elements (water, fire, wind, earth, electricity, ice, lava, gravity ect)
Katsuki: explosion (same)
Shiro: wepon hands(can turn his hands into weapons[sword, gun with unlimited amo, bow ect] and lions soul[can turn into a black loin]
Keith:fire manipulation and lion soul [red]
Pidge:earth manipulation and lion soul [green]
Hunk:food creation (can make any food out of thin air and make anything out of food[weapons] and lion soul [yellow]
Alura:computer eltrefication [can control any electronic devices [sucuity systems] with electricity
Coran: has super charm [can charm the pants off someone]
Lance: has the quirk 'anything' (I know this is from another one of my books but stay with me) can have any quirk he wants but since he was four and manifested his quirk he just controls water and ice because he doesn't want anyone to know he also has lions souls (lance has two lions the blue one which he can turn into and the white lion which takes form of a small cat that follows lance around but turns into a full grown lion when needed)}

Lance's pov:

Since we got our quirks we have worked hard and trained for UA, fox and rabbit have been training with us and rabbit has been talking to us hes been better at talking to people since we were kids though he still uses sign language to talk to us, we learned it for him his mother died same as ours but from a different cause it was the league of villans or as we call them the galra, all of their spirit animals were hyenas except for a couple one with blonde hair, hers is a bat, one with stitches he is dog decized as a wolf and one with hands on him that I've called lotor is a snake, and their boss he has many spiritual animals in him all except one are stolen and his own is so old I can't tell what it is. The rest of voltron say I'm not supposed to know this stuff and that I use my quirk to often especially keith he says that one day it will be my downfall I listen to keith and he knows it and I may have a teeny tiny crush on him and hes oblivious to my flirting, I suppose we are only six and my IQ level is at a college level and rising. At the moment we are having a break most of us are asleep I'm in my lion form, I'm most comfortable, one more thing I should mention is that I can manipulate my size so at the moment I'm the size of the palm of a childs hand and I'm sitting in Keith's lap while hes petting me. Izukus father disappeared two days ago and hasn't been found yet, even allmight is looking.

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