The Split Up

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~time skip two years~

Today alura and coran were adopted and taken away by some guy, keith and shiro were adopted by a lady with purple hair pidge was adopted by 'the holts' and hunk was adopted by two ladys and me I'm waiting for the people who want to adopt me, I can't believe they split voltron up and they split up twins, when alura left my marks faded to a grey colour and I could feel that hers did too.
I was taken to Cuba, the McCains are nice most of them have water based quirks but two of them have wind over the seven years I only grew sadder without my twin  and the rest of voltron I grew my hair out a bit longer to cover my marks I hadn't stopped training and today was the day I go back to Japan, I got on the flight and waited I was bored because I had to go alone, I made a small ball of water and made an ice sculpture of a lion he played with the lion until he landed when he got off the plane his cheeks tingled he shook it off and kept walking he got his back and he got white from quiareteen I start walking until I hear a shouts "LANCE??!?" I turn to see the rest of the lions standing there they all jump at me and hug me so I hug back "i missed you guys so much" "we missed you too" "has anyone seen alura or coran?" I ask "no sorry lance" shiro says "you should get a haircut" pudge says while pushing my hair to the side showing a faded grey mark "lance what happened to your marks?" Keith said running his thumbs over my marks "they lost colour when alura left they havent glowed since and I have felt little to no emotions because of it" I answer "so it was like ripping your heart out" pidge says "exactly, I guess I'll never have feelings again, who knows where she is" I say. We all walk to the taxis and drive to a hotel  and once we get there we try to figure out where were going to live and then I have an idea "I'll make a creadit card with lots of money on it and we can buy a house and call it voltron manner" "well that settles it let's start looking for a seven bedroom house with a bathroom in each room oh and a pool" shiro says "found one!" Pidge yells "the only downside is we can't rename it" "what's it called?" I ask "the castle" "can we add to the name?" I ask "I could ask the seller" "please do" podge then calls the seller but their kid picks up the phone "hello?" "Yes this is the buyer for the castle, we were wondering if we could add to the name?" "What were you planning on calling it?" "The castle of lions" pidge says proudly "that should do nicely but only on one condition" "and what's that" pidge says "you all come and have a sleep over, I need friends other than shoto, aziawa and bakugo who will also be coming" the girl says and lance yells "FOX AND RABBIT??!?" "oh you already know them?" "yeah I want the one who nicknamed them fox and rabbit, has katsuki still got a temper?" Lance asks "yep, izu and him are dating too" "took em long enough, they were really oblivious like SOME people I know" lance says staring at keith who was completely zoned out and didnt hear any of the conversation "well I better go now just pack some pjs and go to the white house next to the castle of lions" "ok" and so we went to the sleepover caught up with fox and rabbit met the 3D printer and prince zuko and elsas secret love child (see what I did there?) We had a ball fell asleep halfway through the song I'll make a man out of you in Mulan we were all huddled up and I had keith snuggled up in my chest I pulled him as close as I could and fell asleep.

It's been two weeks since I've been back in Japan an I feel my cheeks tingle every once and a while, today was the entrance exam for UA I was walking with rabbit when he said "your more powerful than you let out, arnt you?" "Uhhh.... yeah" "what is your quirk, really" "it's called anything meaning I can create and use any quirk I want" "that is awso- ahhh" he trips ove halfway through a sentence so i use telekinesis to put him back up "well i was gonna use my zero gravity on him but you were to fast" a girl says "you both can call me Ocha" "I'm lance and this is izuku, he doesn't talk much to new people" "that's fine" as she said that my cheeks felt really weird and I felt a present behind me "oh that's my adopted brother and sister, alura and coran" I freeze until "lance?" The voice sounded hopeful I turn around with tears "alura..." "LANCE!!!" she screams and jumps on me and starts crying "I missed you so much when they took me away from you, like who does that" alura says "who does what" ocha asks "separate twins"i answer "we can catch up later but for now we need to go and listen to present mics speech" coran says we all get there and I sit next to alura and coran on one side and fox and rabbit on the other. Turns out I'm in the same area as rabbit and the rest of the lions we decided to do it by ourselves but do it in lion form, we were at the starting line and as soon as the buzzer went off we turned into our colorful lions we ran off, racking up points it was at 326 points when I heard shiro yell, well everyone else heard a roar only three people could understand what was said they were a frog girl, a mouse thing and a boy with a bird head and all at the same time said "what's voltron?"

3rd pov:

The  five lions ran to the danger which happened to be the zero pointer the five lions jumped to the blue lion who was turning white and they all merged into a giant multi coloured lion the lion bit the head off the robot and then pushed it backwards when the robot fell over and stopped moving the lion went back to five and the five turned back into people the only one not standing was lance who was unconscious on a big white lion who followed lance, lance had used up too much energy making voltron as lance slept on white the rest talked about how Lance's marks are more colorful than ever they were now blue and red mixing in the middle to make purple, they were confused when the searched it online, they knew that it stood for his and alura bond but knew it could change but not why they decided to ask alura but when they did she squealed and ran to coran who also squealed so they came to the decision of asking lance when he wakes up, it took four and a half hours but he woke up and immediately touched his cheeks went wide eyed and using a speed quirk ran home and locked himself in his room and when the rest of voltron and fox and rabbit came to see if he was alright he wouldn't answer them so alura used her quirk and opened the electronic door and went in by herself she found lance sitting in his bed with tears "lance can you tell me who it is?" "It-its k k keith" "really? That's who you've fallen for.... that's adorable, he likes you too lance, your just oblivious to his flirting" "?!" "Wait.... alura why are your marks turning green on the edge, and why are you trying to cover them?" "I've fallen for pidge" "omg you have to ask her out" "only if you ask keith out" " okay" with that both twins walked out and went to the kitchen to get some ice cream to watch a movie and talk about how the are gonna ask them out

In another room of the house:

Keith with his hair in a braid is freaking out about lance hooping hes alright hoping the love of his life isn't sad
And pidge who is painting Keith's nails black is wondering why the love of her life (alura) didnt come for their usual girls night
They both decided to ask them out but what they didnt know was it was on the same day as the others planned to ask them out...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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