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Fire. Yellow. Orange. Red. The deathly flame grew in size, and I could feel my features melting straight off my face.

"Fire! Somebody come see this, because I'm not so comfortable right now."
I shouted for help, and my dad came rushing out. My dad was so coal. I wish I could be like him. He rushed for a fire extinguisher without even making a sound, and without even asking me what had happened. My mum and brothers came out next, and that was where the chaos came in.

Screaming. Shouting. Running and jumping all over the place. Matthew and Matheiu just couldn't be kept in one place.
Dad came back with the fire extinguisher and started putting out the fire.
"Get the lifeboat, will you honey", he said as calmly as possible. My mum just looked around, evidently confused, and dad, finally letting the nerves get to him, yelled: "get the fucking lifeboat bitch!"

Let's just say she got the message after that.
Mum got the lifeboat alongside he boat. Dad kept in extinguishing flames. My 8 year old brothers ran around in useless circles. Me? Don't worry about me. Worry about the fact that the fucking rain was still pouring down on us this whole time. Quite sad that we were fighting an electrical fire.

Dad gave up on the fire and we all rushed to the lifeboat. The reality was, we had some über plan to leave behind a $457,000 yacht, just we could save a bunch of our useless lives. Priority issues. As we were about to set off, the storm got even worse. Like, couldn't anybody see that if we couldn't survive on a 7 yard yacht in this hell of a storm, then we probably wouldn't make it to the end of my dick and back in our flimsy second-hand raft that had probably been passed on from some pirates in Somalia.

Everyone had jumped on it, except me and dad, and the lifeboat would soon float away. It was now or never. And, yeah, it turned out to be never.

As I stepped on the lifeboats feeling a glimpse of hopes the horizon, and of course, leaving my caring dad behind in the process, I heard an ear-splintering "CRACK!!"
It was as if the evil asshole ruining his whole day had seen me about to reach liberation, snapped his fingers, fucked the whole process up and went: "missed me with that bullshit."

Water. Water. More water. Now a fish. I was paddling for my life, or so it seemed. The panic had left me in an octopus-like mess of jelly like arms and weak sweaty legs. Or maybe that was just all the water.

I could hardly breath, and all I could see I front of me was red. The water was red, my arms were red, and the sky was bloodshot.
Wait....no...it was blue.
Sorry no, purple....ish
More like grey
Yeah definitely grey
Everything went black.

I dreamt. I saw. I saw my family crying out for help. [yeah, like we all wouldn't appreciate a bit of that]
All around them was red water. Bloody water. They thought I was dead. As I reached out to the vision of my two parents, I felt a burst of pain running through my arm. That was good news. At least I still had an arm.

Bright light.

I opened my eyes, slowly. I was on sand. I could feel it. [phew, I had a back too]
I was on dry land, but there was water all around me.


I woke up to the sound of a motor. I could hear two voices, and the motor stopped. Both were female, one more aged than the other. Footsteps. Shadows. Two figures walked towards me. I could make out their female body shape, so my mind was pretty sharp for someone who had been tossed about by the sea for the past 16 hours. I guess.

There was a girl. She had blonde, braided hair, and she was about my height...not that it mattered or anything. That's just how she looked. Right beside her, was an older lady,presumably her mother.
The girl was slowly coming towards me. I tried lifting my head, but it was stuck to the sand by tufts of my blood-matted hair, and in a pool of dry, red residue. I smelt flesh. I smelt of flesh,to be precise. Which isn't that much of a downgrade considering I was 80% flesh at this point in time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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