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"please tell me what's wrong, princess."

"you know what's wrong?"

"your queen is hogging you!"

"I don't get to talk to you because you're busy with her!"

"I thought everything will go as I planned. I thought I can have my siblings again. But, it goes to show that you guys are too busy with your partners, while you guys forgot me."

A tear fell from her eye and she wiped it.

"all I want is for you guys to give attention to me."

"I thought I'd feel at ease here. But it turns out, it's even worse than my palace."

"because there, I can easily pull out a mirror and talk to myself. I'm alone."

"here is depressing. Seeing you guys pass even if you see me is nerve wrecking."

"and I'm so stupid to think you'll be putting your time just to talk to me."

With her final statement, she stood up and ran.

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