Chapter 24

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After school the police officers were in the front of the school gates talking to the ex Chairman. Mei's grandfather tried to keep the situation under control but pretty much everyone knew about the missing student. Mei only watched out the window and saw the police officers
Damnit...that person better help me out with this
Mei started packing her bags and walked out of her office. On her way out she found Yuzu walking with her group of friends. She stood there and clenched her fists tightly
Yuzu...what are you doing with those bitches. Stop pissing me're going to regret it
"Stupid sluts..." Mei mumbled
"Aihara!" Mitsuko said. Mei stopped and gritted her teet
What the actual hell? What does she want now?
"Yes Taniguchi-san?" Mei asked as she turned around to look at her
"How has your day been?" Mitsuko asked as she walked up to her
"A little busy especially with this situation about a student missing" Mei said and glanced over at Yuzu watching her leave with her friends
Fuck...thanks a lot Mitsuko. You're next...
"You seem to be a little worried about your sister" Mitsuko said
"Of course I am" Mei said
"The first time I saw you both you weren't this close to her" Mitsuko said
"What are you talking about?" Mei asked
"You've changed when you got back. Don't think I haven't noticed Aihara. You've been stalking Yuzu Aihara right?" Mitsuko asked
"Stalking? What the hell has gotten into you?" Mei asked as she glared at her
"Your little Momokino friend has been feeling strange around you ever since you came back" Mitsuko said
"So? What if I did changed?" Mei asked
"Let me get straight to the point..." Mitsuko paused and grabbed Mei aggressively by her tie pulling her close. Mei's eyes widen and trembled
"Were you involved with Kenia's disappearance?" Mitsuko asked sternly as she looked directly into her lavender eyes
"What nonsense are you saying? I had nothing to do with her disappearance" Mei said as pushed Mitsuko away. Mei turned around and walked away're definitely dead to me and're next
Mitsuko only glared at her and felt Himeko stand behind her
"Is she gone?" Himeko asked
"Yes. She left" Mitsuko said
"Momokino-san do you really believe Aihara-san had something to do with it?" Maruta asked
"If you pay close attention to Mei you can definitely realize something is off" Mitsuko said
"I'm not so sure who she called back there...but that person she talked to is helping her out" Himeko said
"Have you reported this information to the police?" Maruta asked
"We're about too but...I have a feeling it's not going to end well..." Himeko said
"Don't worry Himeko. We're here for you" Mitsuko said
"I know...I just hope nothing bad happens" Himeko said
"Are you going right now?" Maruta asked
"Yes. We have to. They must know about this immediately" Mitsuko said
Himeko looked down and trembled
I hope we can do something about that crazy bitch...

Shai was outside with a cigarette. She stared at the sky and let out a sigh. She looked down at her watch and looked away
Damnit...what the hell am I suppose to do now?
Shai was on the phone talking with her buddy
"How is it over at the police station?" Shai asked
"These assholes have been trying to look for the girl. They've started searching the Academy and asked a couple of friends" He said
"Hm? Okay thank you for the information. I'll try and deal with the rest. You just make sure they don't find out the truth" Shai said
"Of course ma'am" He said
"Good. I have to go now. You just have to stay hidden. Anyways good luck with that" Shai said
"Don't worry Shai. I won't fail you" He said
"I know you won't since you know what'll happen to you if you actually do..." Shai said
"Yes ma'am. I understand" He said and hanged up. Shai put her phone down and sat down on the couch. She started blushing as she remembered Himeko. Her eyes widen and shook her head covering her face
'Fuck! Stop thinking about her! Stop it! Just stop!'
"Hey Shai something wrong?" Kang asked
"N-no nothing at all" Shai said as she looked away
"Huh? Why are you blushing?" Kang asked
"Bl-blushing?!" Shai exclaimed as her face redden even more. She shook her head and tried to hide her blushing face
"Uh you okay?" Kang asked
"Yeah I'm fine" Shai said and stood up from the couch
"Oh come on. You can tell me anything. You know I'm here for you" Kang said
"Y-yeah I know" Shai said and sighed deeply
"What's wrong?" Kang asked as he touched her shoulder
"Nothing..." Shai said and the phone started ringing
'Huh? Who the hell is it now?'
"Get me the disguise" Shai said as she held her hand out and Kang handed her the mask. Shai put it on and grabbed the phone
"What the hell do you want Aihara?" Shai asked
"Again?" Mei asked
"Do you want my fucking help or are you just wasting my motherfucking time?" Shai asked
"Sorry. Okay so...there is another bitch you must get rid of" Mei said
'Huh? Already targeting someone else?'
"Who?" Shai asked
"Himeko Momokino" Mei said. Shai's eyes widen and trembled hearing her name
"Hey? Are you listening?" Mei asked
"Y-yes forgive me. said Himeko Momokino right?" Shai asked
"Yes. I need you to get rid of her" Mei said
"Has she tried to get with your lover or what?" Shai asked
"It's because the stupid slut was fuckimg bothering me. She's being a bitch...even though we're friends when we were kids...she's onto me. I can't let her find out about my little secret..." Mei said
"I see but...why hurt a friend?" Shai asked
"Friend? Pfft! That little tornado bitch ain't a friend of mine" Mei said
"Heh...crazy bitch" Shai said and chuckled softly
"Anyways...I need you to kidnap her and allow me to do the rest" Mei said as she smirked. Shai only stood there and clenched her fists tightly
"Of course" Shai said
'Guess...I have no other choice'
"Thanks. I'll pay you tonight or when I have time since the police are investigating Kenia's disappearance" Mei said
" don't have to worry about that no more. Tonight that case will be closed very soon" Shai said
"You better...I don't want this to go any longer" Mei said
"Sure" Shai said
"Well I have to go now. Don't forget to do your job" Mei said
"Of course Aihara" Shai said and hanged up. She put the phone down and gulped
"Hey Shai? Is something wrong? You're acting strange..." Kang said. Shai trembled and reached up to grab her mask pulling it off
"Kang...get the men to bring me a criminal. We're putting the blame on that bastard..." Shai said
"And what about the Aihara? What did she want?" Kang asked
"I'll de with Aihara's just deal with the other bastard" Shai said as she glared at him
"Yes ma'am" Kang said and walked away heading out of the door. Shai only looked at her mask and looked at the knife. She trembled as she fell on her knees and covered her face. Both Kyo and Ryo ran up to her whimpering softly. Shai only cried as she trembled
"What the hell am I doing?" Shai asked
End Of Flashback
Shai let out a deep sigh and dropped the cigarette before stepping on it. She felt a vibration on her pocket and pulled it out
"Hey Kang" Shai said
"I've got the piece of shit..." Kang said
"Heh...perfect" Shai said as she smirked. Suddenly her eyes caught someone and her eyes widen seeing Himeko walking down the sidewalk
"H-himeko-chan!" Shai said and gasped covering her mouth
Wh-why did I call her!?
Himeko stopped in her tracks and turned around spotting the girl
"Shai?" Himeko asked. Shai's eyes widen and trembled as she ran away
Haaaah! What the fuck is wrong with my god damn body! Gaaah! My stupid body is running away!
Himeko only stood there confused and sighed deeply
Should I really chase after her?
Himeko only looked in front of her and looked back at the alley. She shook her head and walked home
No...there is no time for that. I must hurry and tell them! Immediately!
Shai only panted heavily and leaned against the wall. She trembled and shook her head
"Shai! Shai! Is everything okay!?" Kang exclaimed
"O-oh yeah! It's fine! I'm fine!" Shai said as she blushed extremely red
"Huh? You sure? All I heard is that you called out someone named Himeko" Kang said
"R-really? Oh uhm...w-well it's nothing r-really" Shai said as she laughed nervously
Fuck...what the hell happened to me back there? Argh! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut..
"Are you sure?" Kang asked
"Y-yeah I'm fine. Anyways have you got him?" Shai asked
"Yes. We have him" Kang said
"Alright. I'll call Kanno and tell him to come over with the investigators" Shai said
"Okay. We'll wait" Kang said
"Perfect" Shai said and hanged up
Time to end this case...

Yuzu was in her room trembling and shaking as tears kept rolling down her cheeks. Harumin, Matsuri, and Nene were with her trying to comfort her
"Th-this is all my fault..." Yuzu cried
"Yuzucchi don't blame yourself" Harumin said
"This isn't your fault" Matsuri said
"Yeah you had nothing to do with it" Nene said
"B-but still...I should've walked her home. Wh-what if...she's dead...?" Yuzu asked as she cried. Harumin hugged her tightly and stroked her hair softly. Matsuri and Nene only looked at Yuzu concerned. Matsuri clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth
"Yuzu-chan...what about Mei-san?" Matsuri asked
"What about her?" Yuzu asked
"Don't you think she's been acting strange...?" Matsuri asked. Yuzu only looked at her and looked down
True...Mei has been acting strange...she's touched me...raped me...ugh...
"Right..." Yuzu said and sniffed
" have to tell them the truth" Harumin said
"What?" Matsuri asked
"What do you mean the truth?" Nene asked
"Yeah" Matsuri said
"Well...Mei and I...we sorta..." Yuzu paused and trembled a little
"Did she rape you?" Matsuri asked. Yuzu only looked at her and sighed
" wasn't rape. She...well...I guess you could say I started it" Yuzu said as she rubbed the back of her neck
"What?! You went back with that slut!?" Matsuri exclaimed
"Matsuri please..." Harumin said
"What the hell Yuzu-chan!? Why did you go back with her?!" Matsuri exclaimed as she felt anger start to build up
"Matsuri! Enough!" Harumin said raising her voice. Matsuri only sighed and looked away
"S-sorry..." Matsuri said
"We're not together..." Yuzu said
"Yet..." Matsuri said as she kept looking away
"Yeah...I know...but now that Kenia is gone.'s my fault and....a-and..." Yuzu paused and trembled
"Yuzucchi calm down..." Harumin said and stroked her hair softly
"Mei-san had something to do about it...don't you think?" Matsuri asked
"Probably..." Yuzu mumbled as she kept looking down. Suddenly the door opened and everyone looked up at the door
"Mei? Yuzu?" A man spoke. Yuzu wiped her tears and stood up from the bed then walked out the door
"Dad?" Yuzu asked
"Ah Yuzu!" Sho said as he smiled
"You're back?" Yuzu asked
"Yes. I'm back and I need to talk with Mei. Have you seen her?" Sho asked
"No" Yuzu said
"Oh...okay. Great...there is so much to deal with right now" Sho said as he ran his fingers through his hair then walked to the couch sitting down. Yuzu looked at him and walked up to him
"Papa...can I ask you something about Mei?" Yuzu asked
"Sure" Sho said
"How was...Mei's childhood?" Yuzu asked

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