part 1 the adventure begins

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part 1: once their was lonely traveler he went on a quest for money and a lot of money then he went to a tavern called stardust inn their he meet white wolf,
he sit down and talk to her and she wanted to hear him out about a quest but the quest said that their has to be 3 or members on a team quest so they
went into town to find someone to join them on their quest but no one joined them all but one person called black wolf and he said can i join your team,
the quest is to killed ssss rank monster quest so the white,grey,black,wolf are only sss rank hero's so they have top not gear and weapons as well and
some people talk about the 3 man team called the fang's a name that is legendary in their story and their avatar spirit realm are like comrades like the
white and grey wolf,the white wolf one time save the grey wolf by sharing her heart with him in a battle one time then he thanked her so she a alpha wolf and grey wolf and blackwolf as well then to get them up to ssss rank so they have to upgrade themselves to that rank,they have to kill a sss rank demon in order to do that,

but before that the greywolf said we should get some rest for the quest in 7 days then one someone scaremed for help so gure ran to the scarem and when got their some other's quester's was trying to kill her so he saved her from the banbit's and she thanked him then he ask what her name was lucy she said and then after words they became great freinds and she ask for help on a quest to kill some demon called 13's and he ask what rank she was so lucy said ss rank quester he said that's ok i can help with that part with your rank then he said let's go that quest together as partners,

so after greywolf and lucy quested they went on a romantic date in the city and they went to a cafe to talk about themself's and what they like and dislike
about some low rank quest for other people so they talked for about 3 hour's the time they were on their date was 9:00 so it was like midnight then they
went into a inn to stay the night two room's she was next to him and he was next to her then lucy wake up from hearing a sound outside she though it
was a animal but she saw it siding on two leg's,

after she saw that she went to greywolf room and knocked on the door he answered he asked her what's the matter she said that i saw something on two leg's she said it look like half man and half wolf then he said ok you can stay in my room tonight so can feel better she said thank you so she stayed in greywolf room and she felt better in the morring and she was super happy then on the 7th day it was the day of the quest so then greywolf invite lucy on the quest to have extra help on the quest, on their walk greywolf told them what happened yesterday but he left out the part that lucy saw a wolfman last night on the full moon so then they just walk then they meet a old friend her name was red tiger so on their walk they chated and asked how they were and red tiger saw a another girl with the group greywolf said her name was lucy and greywolf said we're boyfriend and girlfriend and dated 6 days ago in the city.

then when they have reached their location they started killing the monsters,but they meet a vampire girl named reeka and attacked greywolf she couldn't help it she was being mind controlled by someone greywolf and his friends but luce stopped the mind control spell and her magic and a spell called counter mind controlling spell and just in time when lucy cast the spell reeka then went to sleep but then everyone felt a dark evil aura when they took a look at greywolf he starts to transform into a demon, he then becomes alucard the most powerfulle's vampire in century's he went on a rampage on the fools who put reeka under the spell then his friends just stood there and watched him kill them in cold blood then whitewolf try's to stop him but alucard was in control of greywolf but then alucard needed blood.

he tried to suck whitewolf blood from her neck but reeka wake up and say to alucard that she is his daughter she stops him from hurting whitewolf reeka said i'm the first born daughter of alucard the king of vampire's then he cryed a tear ran down his face and he said my daughter my have you grown he said my little princess then he close he's eyes and turned back into greywolf,

and everyone was so scared that they said let's not tell him what happend here ok after what they saw then they went back to the city and placed greywolf on a bed in the stardust inn it's been almost a week since that day then one day he wake up on the bed and saw lucy sleeping next to him and she was sleeptalking then greywolf wake her up nicely and she wake up and when she did she saw greywolf and a tear ran down her face then greywolf said what's wrong why are you crying and lucy said because i was worried ok then greywolf said i'm so sorry lucy she said it's ok but don't do that again he said ok and i love you then they kissed love forever

to be continued in part 2.

the white wolf and grey wolf and black wolfWhere stories live. Discover now