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They prefered to die


They're gone.

They left this miserable life.
They found an escape.
And I never really knew why.

They were alive.
They had fame.
They had money.
They had the people's love.
Yet they consume themselves.
They prefered to die.
To kill themselves slowly.

She mixed heroine with alcohol.
He went with suicide.
She was found in the river dead.
He overdosed on pills.
She was hanging from the ceiling
He was found overdosed in a club.

They all found a way out of this living hell we call life.
But I have to congratulate them for being able to free themselves from the torture.
Yet the rest of us, are here, dealing with the absences.
Dealing with the pain.

But overall, they still live in the  people's hearts forever.
Even though, they prefered to die...

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