Meeting the Boy who Lived

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"Thank you so much Lord Nightingale. It's such an honor to have someone as gracious as you to be one of the Zoo's benefactors and for being the one to give us our new reptile house."
Standing in front of  my father and I was a woman in a skirt and blazer that was several sizes to small. Classic case of sausage in a too small casing. Bursting at the seams. Michelin man. You get my drift.
As this woman was kissing my father's noble ass, I couldn't help but notice how nice the reptile house looked. All the snakes and lizards were in state of the art habitats and we're clearly enjoying their new setup as they were basking in the artifical light. Looking around I noticed how many people were attracted by the renovated exhibit, there was a class on a school field trip and several mother's with their children. What really caught my attention was the family gathered around the giant python exhibit. The parents were quite a sight to see as how different they looked, one was a portly man with a swollen face and the woman with him looked like a stick with a horse's head on top. They had two boys that looked to be around my age, one was quite rotund and looked to be quite bratty as he was banging on the exhibit ' s glass and the other was very thin. His baggy clothes made his thin size even more noticeable and he had a mass of black hair that was quite unruly. It was clear that the skinny lad was neglected compared to his oompa-loompa counterpart.

I turned to look at my father who was still enduring this woman's mindless babbling and decided to have some fun. I turned on my best angelic face and started the chirade.

"Father, may I please go see the cute animals? They just look so happy here."

He cuts off his conversation to give me a cold stare as I broke one of the biggest rules there is, not acting like a mindless hood ornament.

"What a darling daughter you have my Lord. So beautiful and so sweet, you're a lucky man", the rotund zookeeper gushed.

"She is isn't she? My dear, of course you can go see the animals."

If you know my dad as long as I have, you know that he is lying through his teeth but he can't look like a bad guy in front of anyone important. I quickly walked away and started heading towards the skinny boy, who from where I was standing was wearing a dorky pair of glasses but looked good on him.

"Excuse me, may I join you lot?"

The family turned to look at me and the looks on the adults faces were at first annoyed, but quickly morphed into shock as they looked at me.  Unfortunately for me, since my dad is so prevalent in the English media that means I'm present as well. By no means do I have anything to do with journalists or cap like that, but pictures of me are floating around as well which would explain the look of recognition that was in the odd couple's eyes.

They didn't so much as say anything, but quickly backed up so that I could stand in between the boys. The couple tottered a good distance away from us and began to whisper amongst themselves, which gave me the opportunity to talk to the bespectacled boy that was gawking at me.

"Hello there, enjoying the snake are you? He is quite lovely isn't he? I know people see them as scary, but I find them rather beautiful and intelligent. Oh I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Esmerelda, but call me Esme. You are?"

The whole time this boy is staring at me, I finally get a close enough look to see a peculiar looking scar on his forehead. A lightning bolt shaped scar. It's him, the boy who...

"I'm Harry Potter, it's nice to meet you too. You're right he is quite something."


The sudden yell from the porky boy next to me brought our attention to him pounding on the glass again. He's banging, banging, banging when I notice the annoyed look on Harry ' s face. All of a sudden the glass that the troll is pounding on disappears and he takes a nose dive into the snake's pond. The snake starts slithering out of its home, only to stop and look at us. He starts hissing at he both of us and I'm shocked to hear Harry say you're welcome.

No way. He can understand the snake? Theeny told me only so many wizards can do that, one of which is...


I turn to see that while everyone was screaming and running in fear, the glass on the snake case reappeared trapping the bratty boy inside. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sobbing boob and his spazzing parents crying out to him. But I saw father glaring at me, no doubt thinking my magic caused this fiasco. I turned to see Harry smiling a bit.

"Well Harry Potter, I hope we see each other again soon. I wish you all the luck." I finished my farewell by leaving a kiss on his cheek, leaving him red in the face and start heading towards my father. He grabbed me tightly around the arm and started pulling me towards the limo to probably solitary confinement in my room. I may be in trouble for magic I didn't use, but it was worth meeting the Boy who Lived.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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