First Meeting

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«3rd POV»
♦Location:COUNTRY/Name (C/N)
Y/N was in her office trying to finish paper work.Her brain is getting confused Y/N doesn't go out that long because she had to train soldiers even though she was the General Of War (G.O.W).Well,she got a co-general that would train the soldiers while Y/N do's the paperwork.Hes name is James Patterson,a kind guy and sometimes jokes around with Y/N.Now,James had finished training the soldiers and goes to the office. (Where Y/N does her paperwork) James opens the door and looks in the room only to see Y/N busy with the paperwork "Good Morning General." James said not even hes voice cracking,Y/N saw this and stops doing the paperwork and looks at James "Any reports?" Y/N asked,James answered "Yes General,your going to attend a meeting about 7:00 at the U.N building,they are hoping you are not late General" James answered looking at Y/N "I never get late at my meetings!anyways,your dismissed" Y/N said and countinues her paper work,James leaves and takes a break

«★A few hours later★»

Finally,i finished the paperwork.I forgot i have a meeting at 7:00,i checked the clock in the room and it was only 6:57.I better get up!I wore a uniform like Third Reich and had a hat like his.But,the hat was white and red and the uniform was black and white stripes,she got up and goes out of the office seeing James training the soldiers.I came to him and look at the comrades and they saluted "Good Morning General!" The comrades said their voice never broke,cause losers get snitches (I dunno,i made that up) I smiled at them and look at James looking at the comrades with his glare "Stop glaring at them James" I said looking at him,he looks at me and stops glaring "Yes General" James said adjusting his white gloves "Okay,your in charge im going to the meeting,can you handle that James?" I asked him raising a brow.He stopped adjusting his gloves and looks back at me "I can handle it General,besides the comrades are getting good at the 'Sniper Hunt' " James said,I smiled in response "Good,wheres my ride?" I asked looking around.He points at the jet,my eyes filled with excitement.I ran to the jet and waved goodbye at James.I jumped in and opened the buttons,this was an voice-activated jet which is awesome "Jet 1456,bring me to U.N building ASAP" I said turning on the mike and the jet started its boosters and flies first "Jet 1456,fire in the hole" I said smirking knowing this would be a long ride.The jet was at in speed '50' which is fast.I pulled up the switch (You know cars that make them faster,the switch) and it became speed '60' and was  fast.Not too long i was filled with pride riding the jet.Finally,i arrived at the U.N building seeing a lot of countries.The jet came off and now i got off and i walk inside the building,the meeting room was at floor 3 so im using the elevator.I ran to the elevator and got inside.I pressed the button '3',i waited for a few minutes listening to jazz music and it was already 7:01!shit im late.The elevator opened and i run out and started looking for the meeting room.I see the meeting room and got inside,good heavens the meeting hasn't started yet "Ah,your late General" The thick british accent said "Yeah,yeah your elevators were slow" I said sitting down close to U.K "Okay,attention countries!" U.K said,the other countries noticed this and looks at U.K,who are they? "You may introduce yourself" U.K said sitting down too,he sipped his tea and didn't care "Alright dad" some of them said.I think it was the red stripes with white stars said that "Alright,my name is America" 'America' said holding out his hand.I shaked it and took it back he took it back too "General Y/N L/N,am i right?" America said,i nodded in response and he sat down on the 5th chair at U.K's side,i see another country that has red in both sides and the middle was white with a red leaf.Im guessing its Canada "Hello!im Canada nice to meet you" Canada said hapilly looking at me,America was adjusting his glasses.Canada sat next to America and they chatted.Well,this time its country that had a red flag and an eye patch that has...stars i think?im guessing...nope nothin' in my mind "Hello General Y/N,i am USSR" USSR said "I suposse you know me in history" Ussr said giving a grin,i nodded in response.He sat down at my side at the 4th chair

(Im too lazy now,well the countries that are here are:
Empire Japan
Kingdom of Italy
Third Reich
Martial Law)

"What is the meeting about U.K?" I asked putting both my hands at the bottom of my chin "So,world war 3 is coming at 2027,(Sksksksk its fake)we are having a discussion about it..." U.K said taking a sip of tea "When world war 1 started,british wins and germany looses.And now the world war 2,it fought the phillipine-american war,correct?" They all nodded "Pero...maglalaban na naman ba ang Pilipinas?"
Martial Law asked
(Okay if your confused here is the translation; phillipines gonna fight again?)
"No,i claim that we all have a war cause of our bloody woes." U.K said putting down the empty tea cup down the table "Then we have a chance loosing millions of innocent people again!" I said putting my hands on the table "Our sins cannot be forgiven,war is the only way that fixes everything" Third Reich said showing his sharp toothy ass grin "I have the contract of world war 3,we only need your signatures and then...all is peace" U.K said holding out a contract.Third Reich slams his hands on the table "I declare War!" He yelled "Then Russia will loose again?never!" USSR stood up and yelled the whole thing with his thicc russian accent "We still have a chance to change our ways!" America spoke up,this caught their attention "And what is your country gonna do America?" Third Reich asked "..." America was silent "Declare ko ang peace!" Martial Law yelled "Tsh,its better if Japan gets Phillipines whole country...for 330 years" Japan said showing a grin "War is going to happen soon!i'll give you 8 years to think clearly!" U.K spoke up and they sat down "Putang ina mo Japan..." Martial Law mumbled.They were like children "Okay...8 years until war starts.Thats clear" China said.Kingdom of Italy were silent

I have questions...

What will happen to the innocent and when will world war 3 start...?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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