Hey guess who's back! after a month.... anyway!! It's me Kaito Momota! if you didn't know that already! sorry for the wait, nothing interesting has been happening lately besides more crying Maki and Himiko. Btw did I mention that Himiko actually called me? Yeah, what a shocker! She called me one day crying over Tenko and Angie, I'm not sure why she would be crying over them tho... she said that they died? I'm not sure what she meant by that. last time I checked they were still alive and well, but I guess not now.. are they sick or something??? is that why she said that, as like a joke? ah, I'm not sure.. I hope they get feeling better soon though!
We are also almost to the moon! just a one more month and we'll be there! I'm super excited! I really hope it's how I imagined it would be like! which is... not much actually.. what I'm a simple man with simple tastes! don't judge me!
as always, this has been Kaito Momota Lumanary of the Stars, sighing off! I'll write back to you (hopefully) in a day or so! wellp see ya soon!
Kaito's Trip to outer space.
Fanfictionheeeeee this book is kinda like a journal that Kaito writes in while in space. :P