Chapter Three

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Eight Weeks Ago
Holy Wood High School

After I've used him for my pleasure, I attempted to scramble out of the janitors closet, almost tripping over a broom. I brushed my hair to the side, before smoothing out the wrinkles in my knee length dress. Everything about our encounter screamed wrong and the feeling of his hands on my skin made me feel dirty and used. It reminded me of the times I was younger when Baylor and I would play in the mud after rain, dancing around as we splashed each other, covering ourselves from head to toe. As a child, I used to enjoy the feeling of being dirty, now it made me feel disgraced.

The nagging voice in my head quickened, throbbing at my forehead like a headache as it repeated, You're a slut.

"You're leaving already?" He asked, soft brown eyes fixed on me, as if he expected my answer to change while he tapped his shoe on the cracked floor. But, I realized that he didn't when he began to button his blue shirt, covering up the toned abs I'd been admiring a few minutes ago. Roxas Garcia, part Filipino, somewhat Spanish, full time class clown and the most lovable boy in Holy Wood High School had a fascination with me. He would never have me- at least not in the sense he wanted, because neither my heart nor mind were meant to be his. I was only willing to offer him my body, pleasure us both, until the aftermath of our desperation settled in and we realized neither of us could ever be happy.

Time spent with him was more than physical intimacy. He would make me feel special by acknowledging things I never knew I wanted to hear until he mentioned them.

Then the moment would pass and his sweet words would feel like lies, empty. As if he knew his words were all that he needed to lure me in, like a hunter trapping his prey.

Roxas leaned on one of the wooden shelves with buckets and bleach lined up against the brown walls. He didn't look hurt, instead he remained calm, arms lazily crossed across his chest. Like he had nowhere to be, no better calling than this. Well, he was quite lazy. Even if he had something to do, he'd take his time to get to his destination. His black hair was a mess, strands of his hair misplaced from when I ran my hand through it. I glanced towards the sterile light in the closet, ashamed of myself.

"Did you send me an invitation?" I said, never a fan of empty talk. However, with him, in the moments that followed, when both of us would attempt to compose ourselves, the awkward silence that stretched between us was too much to bear.

At first, I had a feeling that the letter I received was from him but when Baylor and Raeni got one too, I wasn't so certain. Roxas may be Holy Wood High School's sweetheart, yet for a strange reason, he and Baylor didn't get along. I suspected the reason had something to do with me.

He pushed away from the shelf, slowly approaching me as a grin spread across his lips. "The black envelope with your name written on the front in gold?" When I nodded, he continued. "I found one too on my desk in biology this morning. I thought you were inviting me someplace in the wild for some adventure."

His words made me chuckle. There was something about the way he talked and behaved. The way he made everything sound fun and simple always had me coming back to him. "I'm not a big fan of nature."

"I can see that," he responded, his eyes slowly roving over my body, as if he were undressing me. He placed a strand of my hair behind my ear, the action causing goosebumps to rise on my bare arms. I didn't tug at my dress nor did I cower from his gaze no matter how exposed I felt. "You look beautiful as always, but sweetheart, it's not the weather for this dress."

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