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Dedicated to all those sweet readers who left lovely inline comments and reviews. I see them all. Y'all the bestest.


Standing in front of the medical hostel with my hand luggage in one hand and my newly gifted iPhone in another, I watched bubbling students moving to and fro with their luggage, happy to be out of school. It was the last day of the session, some where happy to be out of school finally, while others where happy to go home to their families slash loved ones.

For me, I was part of the later. It was time to go home to papa, my girl Fanny and Rhonda.

Rhonda was graduating high school in three weeks. As the eldest sister to the latest high school graduate in town, I needed to be home for my baby sister's graduation. But before then I would be spending some quality time with Jeremy in his apartment building.

Ever since we made the plan, I have been excited. That's because we haven't stayed together since we went exclusive. Its been three month and two weeks since Leona's Dad party and us deciding to put our difference aside.

As I stood enjoying the view of happy student, I noticed movement beside me. Someone was trying to start a conversation. Normally I would ignore. In the spirit of the moment and the constant shifting and Obvious distress from the said girl I had to turn. I turned to face the person, only to find Brenda. My blood immediately riled. Bitch. I stormed angrily away from her.

Two weeks ago the daughter of a whore almost shattered my relationship with Jeremy....
"Wendy, please wait" I heard her say as she hurriedly followed.

"What now" I stopped abruptly when I noticed she was insistence. My head going over the event of three weeks ago.

Three weeks ago Jeremy and I had our first relationship quarrel. Jeremy feels I'm stubborn and I don't take corrections in his words. I on the other hand thinks he is condescending, and controlling.

"You shouldn't be wearing revealing clothes, I don't like it. You're mine and mine only, no one should see these" he said to me in the middle of our quarrel, moving closer to me.

I stepped back, away from his touch, I needed my sanity in this conversation. "I don't like you telling me what to do, its my body and I would wear whatsoever I like"

I watched as his expression changed. It was dark and I didn't like it. So I stepped further away from him. He regained himself and the corner of his lips tugged in a smile.
"You're such a spoilt brat Wendy"

I stormed out of his apartment building that very day, wondering how little things could cause great disagreement between lovers.

Five days later I met Gabriel in town who told me Leona was sick and was admitted, if I wasn't aware.

I looked foolishly at Gabriel who obviously wasn't happy to see me. 'Sweet Gabriel'. A guy who'd twirl me around like a child whenever he and Jeremy comes around the hostel to see me, he calls himself "my daddy"

"I had no idea" I informed Gabriel quietly, feeling sorry for myself.

"Jeremy asked Brenda to inform you and she said she did" Gabriel informed me with a disappointing expression.

A BOY I USE TO KNOWWhere stories live. Discover now