A Strange Meeting part 2

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Thanks to Ragekitty for commenting!

You were sitting in 221b about 2 weeks after you literally crashed into Sherlock and John. 221b had become like a second home to you. You had been spending more time there it seemed than in your own flat. John was out on a date so you sat in 221b alone with Sherlock. He was laying on the couch with his fingers and palms together under his chin in a prayer like position in his mind palace. You were bored. Like seriously bored out of your mind. You were done with your uni work for the week, and you had nothing left to do. You understood how Sherlock must feel. "Leave." Sherlock's voice broke through the silence of the flat. "Why?" You said. "You're distracting" he said. "What?" You said confused. "I know you heard me Y/N,you are distracting,leave." He said. You were pissed by this point. Sherlock was making no sense and he was being so confusing. "He's such a tit" you thought to yourself. "FINE!" you yelled heading for the door, slamming it as you left. He had no comprehension of human emotion. You hated to admit it but you were falling for Sherlock Holmes. The dangerous sociopath with the charming smile, and those cheekbones. But you knew that he could never love you back. He had rid himself of every emotion. You headed into your flat 221c and slammed the door. You went into your room and lied down on your bed face first. Why was Sherlock always like this. Why couldn't he have feelings. You told yourself that you wouldn't cry but it wasn't working. "Mhm" you heard a sound from the door way and panicked. You quickly turned your head around to see Sherlock in your room. "Crap" you thought, but what you said was " what the bloody hell are you doing here". "Your door was unlocked" he said. "A usual smart arse remark" you thought. "Look Y/N I'm sorry about what happened but I didn't really want you to leave. You may be a distraction but you are a beautiful , wonderful distraction. Please Y/N don't take this the wrong way. But I really like you and I am hoping you feel the same way. I uhm have sentiment for you." He said. "Oh my god" you thought " is he blushing?". "Y/N would you go out with me?" He said rather quickly. Okay he is defiantly blushing. "Uhm" you said. Oh no Y/N don't blow it. " Yeah sure" you said. You blew it. " Great!" He said " Get ready we are leaving in 5 minuets." And he left. You just stood there for a moment not sure of what to do. What a strange day.

Hope you guys liked it!



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