Izuku was a cat faunus born with green and silver eyes, after an accident he activated his silver eyes power. Watch as izuku became the best huntsman that ever lived
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(No handcuffs)
Izuku had put his combat outfit on and was now grabbing his weapons from the locker until heard a familiar voice
"Hey izuku~" the voice whispered in his ear as izuku quickly turn around and saw pyrrha
"O-oh h-hey pyrrha, h-how are you?" Izuku was now blushing madly cause of how close their faces are
"Your so easy to tease izuku but anyway, im doing good. How about you?" Pyrrha asked him as she smiled
"I-im good as well, wanna walk together to the initiation?" Izuku asked
"Sure" pyrrha responded as she petted izuku on the head since he was shorter which made him purr
Izuku was on the mountain waiting to be launch when yang who was next to him tapped izuku shoulder
"Hey izu, if you be on my team. I'll give you something special~" yang said while smirking
"What will you give me?" Izuku asked while tilting his head
"Well~" yang got closer to izuku's ear and whispered something which made him blush more and more
Before he could respond, yang had been launch and a few seconds later he also got launched
He was flying through the air trying to think of a way to land when he got an idea
He grabbed his scythe and stabbed one the tree then slid down and landed on the ground.
He pulls his scythe out of the tree which cause the tree to fall
He looked around trying to find someone until he heard a growl.
He turned around and saw a beowolf growling at him
izuku charged up 5% of OFA on his legs and charged at the beowolf.
Before it could react, izuku had already cut off its head.
'Ok, beowolf are normally in packs so where are the others?' Izuku thought before dodging a slash from another beowolf though it did managed to damage his suit
(Dont know if its true, im just comparing it to a real wolf)
Izuku smiled while closing his eyes and turned his scythe into his knives
"You damaged my suit, beowolf-san and for that." Izuku opened his eyes and smiled in a creepy manner which made the beowolves flinch
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"YOU'LL PAY!" izuku began laughing and attacked the pack of beowolves
Timeskip brought to you by a chibi izuku and chibi ruby arguing about cookies
Izuku came out of the woods with his normal expression.
"No one damages my suit" izuku mumbled and walked around trying to find the temple