chapter four

22 1 1

Third person POV:

Both knows that it was too late to pull back ,he pinned her against the wall possessively all was calm around them only their heavy breathing and the murmur of the breeze .he holds her hand above her head their finger crossed like puzzle completed that what she felt that moment ,he pressed his lips on her shoulder lightly making her out of breath , she couldn't neglect the fact that she is the only man able to trouble her emotions with his touch ,how she want to plunge her fingers in his thick but soft hair ,how she wanted to caress it and now she has it all at her hand ,she is caressing it and it felt the way she has always dream it to be.
He look up at her with hood eyes ,not that it felt strange that she is caressing him because he have dreamed about it a million times already , but the softness of her touch paralyzes him ,he can feel himself getting hard .he pulled her to him possessively making her look up at him with questioning eye but her question was answered when he carried her up bridal styles ,she look straight at him with a hint of fear, the fear of the desire consuming them ,when he put her in bed ,her fear increased ,the fear of what will take place in that bed right there ,she lost her blouse already in there kissing session in the kitchen ,and she doesn't do any thing to hid her bare upper body even if she wants to his intense gaze burning a hole through her head won't allow her to ,he took her hand in his and started taking off her bracelets one after the other and he can't get his mind off how beautiful her fingers look ,her perfectly manicured  nails  ,he always love sparkly nails on girls and it like she know what his likes are ,he can imagine the way she will darg those nails on his back while he fuck the ever loving fuck out of her ,he has been imagine that for a long time and tonight he is not going to back down , with that thought in mind ,he came on top of her being careful not to put all his weight on her , he leaned down and kissed her flushed cheeks and he noticed she wants to talk and he delicately touched her lips with his fingers ,he leaned in to kiss her and she moaned feeling him not only kissing but sucking ,biting and nibbling on her poor lips ,his lips are how she always imagine them to be so soft and pump she could taste the breathing mint he has in her mouth ,she always knows he will be the possessive type and the way he is dominating her lips just proved her theory right .

A part of her felt guilty because all this does not have a name ,it not love , friendship ,strong relationship hell it not even friends with benefits because they where never friend ,there are always at each other throat ,she have a strong feeling she is gonna regret this , but again this is what she has been wanting for along time and now that she have it is she willing to push him away ? No the answer is a big fat NO .she can feel him taking off her dress from behind ,she wants to talk but she lost her voice already it like a spell is cast on her the spell named Stephen Julez Elijah and she doesn't know if she will ever be able to break from this spell and she herself  doesn't want to break away from it , she want it to remain this way if this is the only way she is  gonna make her dreams come trough the dream haunting her every night and preventing her from sleeping ,the dream even her best friend doesn't know about but even if she want her to know can she really tell her ,can she tell her all the naughty things she dream about her brother , that will officially be the end of there friendship but right now is not the time to think about that ,it about time she become selfish and give in to her desire and tonight that what she us planning on doing ,tonight SHE IS GONNA FOLLOW HER HEART DESIRE.
He wants her to stop him but she doesn't,not that  if she does he will stop but at least he will try to control himself for her ,not that he is about to make love to her anyway NO it not love it just sex JUST SEX  that all it is , he can never love her no it not love it lust ,the desire to fuck her the way he want to ,her has always imagine how she is gonna look under him ,how her perfect round juicy ass will look while he spank them ,he know he just have to fuck her once and all those fucked up dream will end ,all those fucked up imagination , she is always in his mind every second of the day even if he is fucking other girls she always seems to be in his mind while he fuck other she always imagine fucking her , he has lost count on how many times he has jerk off with her in his mind his hands are trembling just by the idea that in a few minutes his hands will be covering her titties instead of those sexy black lace bra that seems to fit her naturally tan skin perfectly with that thought in mind he pressed his hard cock against her still covered pussy making her gasp ,she looked up to him to be sure what she felt is really and not one of her fucked up imagination or dreams ,she ran her hand down his cheek to be certain that the stephen she has had many wet dreams about is laying on top of her looking down at her with his "I want to fuck you " eyes ,she is under him in her two pieces underwear not able to hide anything from his as the are made of transparent lace material ,not that she mind being exposed to him anyway ,she has dream of this may time  ,she watched as the back of his fingers travels down from her neck slowly down her breast toward her belly ,his eyes concentrating on how she's breathing heavily and the way her perfect little tummy is following her breathing rhythms , he knows how aroused she is , he can practically smell her arousal ,he gave an open mouth kiss to her belly button and he didn't expect the reaction he get , the reaction was phenomenal,her whole body aches up of the bed trembling giving out a small 'ahhhh' from her .He so love the sound she is making and he pray to God he will not lose his mind tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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