Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better!

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"And he said what, exactly?" Father snaps, a cold demeanor in place, a slight scowl on his unwrinkled face. Taking this as a cue to speak up, I looked around the room biting my lips, trying to word it the right way so that my Dad wouldn't start attacking things. "Something along the lines of, 'This year is different, I'm cool.' That's about it..." I nod, eyes darting around the room once again.

Father brushes his honey-brown hair back, (I inherited the same shade), and glares at me with chilling grey eyes.

"Ansley, there has to be something else he said. Anything, come on. The Scott's will be here soon." He breathes, fixing his white tie, and trying to flatten out his suit, which was what he did when he was stressed. He leans back in his leather chair at the head of the office table, and glares off into the distance. One of his palms are cradling his chin.

"Elyar.", Father snorts, "Of all people!" He shakes his head, and fumbles with a random pen in the table, forehead crinkled in deep thought.

The office door squeaks open, and the two platinum blond men stand there, eyeing the room with an air of authority. Father gives me 'The Nod' that means he will start talking business and politics, in which I needed to leave. The older of the two approaches me. "Ansley! It's been too long!" He has his hair slicked back, and a nice crisp- but tacky- pinstriped tuxedo with a matching grey tie and bowling shoes. I have no idea who this man is,but lets pretend I do. I frown at him, and he nods knowingly. "Maxwell Scott... You use to visit our mansion in London every week to see Parker, well of course you wouldn't quite remember you were only just a little thing." He nodded, to himself, and smiles wide, his smile lines becoming invisible and crazy deep dimples pop up. This man was a character. "This is Parker, while me and your father talk business, you should catch up!"

I hadn't fully noticed Parker yet, but was pleased to see he wasn't as crazy dressed as his father. In fact, you would hardly ever notice he was rich. He was wearing plain blue jeans, and converse on his feet. A black hoodie was hung haphazardly on his muscular body, like he'd just woke up. His hair was mussed, and blindingly blond. His face was free of all acne, and had an exotic look to its angles. His eyes were a deep doe-eyed brown, and he had long black lashes despite his blond roots. He sleepily looked at me, offering me a crooked smile. I faltered, but smiled back, and decided it was best to leave, since my father was coughing over exaggeratedly.

I rolled my eyes as the door shut with a click, Parker following me closely. I couldn't help but notice the awkward tension, and cleared my throat. "No offense but I have no recollection of who you are.." I offer a half smile. Parker nods too, "I barely remember you." I was surprised to find his voice was huskily deep, that of a radio talk show host, almost trancing.

"Well, gee thanks!" I joked, continuing to walk down the long hallway.


"There is no way. You totally cheated!" Parker growled, dropping the controller on the my green comforter, moodily. "Cheat? Me, cheat? You're the screen watched! And you used a shotgun the whole match. You're an idiot!" I gasped, bursting with laughter as Parker made a horrified face. Parker and I seemed to get along well, and he understood what it was like to be rich, and not really want to be rich.

"Yeah, well! Shotguns are awesome!" I pulled a pillow from my bed,"What'd you say?" I screech, pillow pulled back and ready to fire. Just as I began hitting him, my door was violently thrown open. A boy my age stood there, violet eyes curiously peering around. I knew those eyes....

Same dark hair, same violet eyes..

"Who are you?" I squeak out, voice suddenly hoarse.

"I'm Zerek's brother." Was his snarky reply, and with a smirk, I was sent flying towards the floor.

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