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"so are you skipping today or not?" jimin asked on the otherside of the phone, his voice laced with not so subtle exasperation.

jungkook pulled back a white curtain as he looked out his window, down on the street below him.

"i don't think i will," jungkook hummed. his body may be screaming at him to take a break, aching him in his every movement to discourage him, but he didn't listen. if he took anymore time off, he'd probably loose his job, and he couldn't afford that.

"okay, well hurry up then. you live fifteen minutes away and you need to be here in five, better run." jimin rushed his words, hanging up straight after to carry on with his work.

jungkook stared at his homescreen, wondering what he was doing. he had spent his whole school life focusing on work, thinking it would lead him onto great things. that's what everyone told him, anyways, but now he just works three, five hour shifts a day at different cafes.

every. single. day.

he sucked up the pain and slipped his worn out sneakers on, not bothering with a jacket for he thought he wouldn't need it.

boy, was he wrong.

ten minutes later, he got caught in what was probably the worst rain he'd seen in a while. he clung onto himself as he shivered, desperate for warmth as he felt the rain beat against his cold, bare skin.

nothing could've made this situation worse. well... nothing except for a cry of an animal in distress two alleyways down from him.

his body instantly pulled him towards the noise, feet pounding against the damp ground as he made his way there.

after only a minute, he was there, and it was as if time stopped around him as he processed the scene before him.

two, large dog hybrids, ripping apart a cardboard box as a kitten cowered in fear against the dingy brick wall, staring up at the shredded box, his only home, in agony.

this triggered something in jungkook. he had always hated the stereotypes between cats and dogs, but he understood people didn't have this view and never really got involved in any fights over it.

but this time. it was too far.

he ran at them full speed, hurdling his right fist into one of their faces whilst lifting a leg and kicking the other where the sun never shines.

"what the-?!" the man screamed, only to abruptly stop as he help his jaw, realizing it was dislocated as tears brimmed his eyes.

"get lost, filthy mutts." jungkook growled simply, causing the two cowards to scramble away, crying in pain as their muscles failed on them.

however, even after the victory, jungkook was still tense, angry. he clenched his fists, letting the rain fall on him. he didn't feel cold, though he didn't feel warm either. he couldn't feel anything but anger.

his aura would've scared anyone away.

that is anyone... except the kitten whom he had just defended.

the kitten wanted to thank him, and therefore crawled to his legs, rubbing himself against the man.

please, be my master..?

was all the kitten thought, but never said for he thought the idea was ridiculous.

oh, what a surprise it was for the kitten when the dog hybrid swept him up in his strong arms.

"let's go home, yeah?"

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ahhh!! first chapter, i'm so excited!! are you?!

follow, comment and vote please!! it'll give me a lot of encouragement 🌺

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