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Hi im denki kamanari but that wasn't always my name lets start at the very beginning the day i was born my mother was a pro hero she was 22 when she had me she had had 3 pregnancy before me sadly none of them had come to term well there was her first she misscarige at 4 months a boy her second was a stillborn another boy and one died a couple of hours after birth a girl so when the doctors said its a girl and she decided to name me denkia kamanari she loved me with all of her heart my dad was happy as well but from 5 years old i felt diffent from other girls they wanted to play with doll and dresses where wanted to play football and others sporty games and dress in boy cloths my parents though i was just a tomboy but as i got older my cousin joined my school and i told people i will be liked to be called his cousin not her cousin and be called him not her it started to get worse when i started to grow breasts i hated them and then i stared my period i told my parents how i felt and they luckily supported me they got me a binder and gave me a pill to stop my breasts from growing and to stop my period's i cut my hair short and changed my name to denki my mum hated me she didn't tell me when other people were around but when they weren't she told me i was a disgrace that why did she have a daughter like me she started to hit md behind dads back i felt annoyed but then i got into UA ands that's were the story realy begins

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