{3-Mr. B*tch}

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PLEASE CHECK OUT ME NEW BOOK 'Without a word'  its posted on my other user "bad6969" I will forever love you and i might start uptading this book too!

chapter 3



*Beep beep beep*

Shut up,I trowed my alarm clock across the room. Is it already morning? daaefff?

I kicked the blanket off with my legs and leaned up on my arms. Ugh I groaned and fell back on the white, kingsized, cosy bed.

"GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP! WE HAVE SCHOOL TODAY REMEMBER?" I heard Amanda scream from the outside of my room.

"Chillax woman! I'm comming, give me two seconds!" I whined, before sitting straight up in my bed. I've never been a morning person no matter how hard I try. I shook my head to get my brain to wake up. I reached for my phone which was laying on the other side of the bed And when I finally got it I saw my phone totally bombed down with messages and more messages. 2 from mom, 3 from dad, 10 from the creepy guy who had a crush on me, oh man when is he going to stop.

I shook my head and trowed the phone on the bed again. I stepped in my cosy batman slippers, hey don't judge...they're really cozy..... and warm....

I stood up and walked over to my white dresser and looked at the girl standing infront of me. She had brown hair and sea blue, warm eyes. I was wearing my favorite batman pajamas, I tied my hair up in a messy bun before walking to the bathroom and doing my stuff.

After showring and changing to a presentable outfit, which consisted by a light blue denim shorts, a cute flowered, strapless, yellow blouse, my sandles and my moms silver heartshaped neckless and some Bracelets. and for my make up I kept it naturally and just put on a bit lipgloss, mascara, and pencil under my eyes. Suddenly I started smelling something delicious. I followed the sent and ended up in the kitchen. Daniel and Amanda were sitting around the able and eating pancakes!

"Good morning Lex, took you long enough. Your lucky we didn't eat all of your favorite breakfast," Daniel chimed. "Now hurry up i don't want to be late for school just because you couldn't get your lazy ass up five minutes earlier."

I raced to the table and ate all of the pancackes that was left. Daniel sat in the car with Amanda and honked as if he told me he would leave me here if I didn't got out of the house in 2 minutes.

I took my school bag before running out the door and in the car. "I'm here chill!" I breathed heavily out. It felt like I just runned a marathon, Jesus I need to work out more.

Daniel started to drive, we talked about random stuff and before we new it we where in the schools parking lot. We opened the car doors and stepped out of the car. damn is it really this hot here, or is it just me? when we stepped out I saw everyone looking our way. dafuq why were thay starring out way?

''The office is that way," he said normaly as if he was used to all there people starring at him. "I would have walked you guys over there but I can't, I have to meet up with the football team, sorry." I just nodded my head and took Amanads hand and made my way to the office.

A lady around her midt 30's was sitting behind the desk. she was chewing her pink gum and it seemed like she didn't saw us before Amanda made a noise of a dying whale. "uhum"

The lady looked up and asked "Hi, can I help you guys?" with a bored tone. "We're the new transfer students, Alexis and Amanda, we're here to pick up our schedules," I Anwered in a formal way. She typed something on the computers and then printed out some papers. "Welcome to CLI high school, here are your schedules, two maps of the school and your locker numbers and codes. remember to change the locker code!" She said before sending us out the door.

"Well she was interesting," I told Amanda. "Totally" She laughed. "It seems like my locker is this way and your-" she looked at my map "is that way" she pointed to the other direction. "Okay then, I'll see you in the class" I hugged her walked towards my Locker.

I walked in 10 minutes or so but still hadn't found me locker. Gosh this school is hudge...

"Do you need any help, kitten," A deep, dark voice asked from behind me. I jumped slightly and turned around to see a guy. He had light brow hair and deep brown eyes. deep brown eyes? he looked familiar but I couldn't remember who it was. "What happened kitten? Didn't know you did go to this school, bacuse I'm damn sure I would have noticed your fine face."

The hell?

And suddenly everything puzzeled together. And the way he was smirking right now told me that he knew I just figured out who he was. "Remeber me now? or should I help you?" he whispered and walked closer to me.

"Uhh.. No thanks" I told him and rolled my eyes. "I've figured it out, now if you please can keep a safe distance between us."

"Rawr, feisty I like it," He chuckled. I just gave him a weird look. "If you'll excuse me I have to go and find my locker before the class starts," I said with clenched teeth. "I can help you find it if you want to?" he asked. "No thank you, I can find it myself. I don't need your help" I answered with confidence and kept walking. "You sure babe? Because you just passed you locker," he souted from behind me.

I stopped walking and turned around. He was looking at me with raised eye brows, the corner of his mouth curved up a bit. He was giving me one of those half smirkes. I looked at the locker beside him and looked at the paper in my hand. yepp there it was.

one point to Mr. B*tch


Yey Aiden is here!

what do you guys think? comment down below and let me know!

-Noms xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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