Yuri Hatsuki

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Name: Yuri Hatsuki

Age: 17

Gender: Boy

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Sherbert Pink

Race: Werewolf

2nd year student

(Yui's twin brother, he's 3 seconds older than her)

Nicknames: (Yui) Blondy
(Asuna) Sherbert

Hobbys: (Same as Yui's hobbys cause they're twins except Yui also likes ice skating) Cooking, baking, playing darts, going on night walks, spending time with his family.

Personality: (Also same personality as Yui) Sweet, caring, smart, studys a lot but makes time for his family, and pretty responsible.

Personality: (Also same personality as Yui) Sweet, caring, smart, studys a lot but makes time for his family, and pretty responsible

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