what if russia was ur bro? :0

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"Cyka blyat~"

You giggle as you wore your older brothers ushnaka and big ass sweat shirt.

"Oh no i'm so tall and scaryyy~"

You stood infront of your mirror imitating your older brother quietly laughing at yourself.

"I drink vodka and pat my little sisters head because she's short~~~"

You did a little twirl and observe yourself.

"Ahh i'm going to keep this."

You nod to yourself and laugh once more.

Russia was still asleep and so you decided to try his stuff on bcs why tf not?

"I curse alot and bully my little sister for no reason~"

You continue trying your best to sound like your older bro.

"I act like i don't love her but i secretly put cash on her wallet bcs i'm a tsundere!"

You laugh out loud losing your balance and falling onto your bum.

"Oh my god-"

You laugh some more holding onto your tummy.

"So you knew i was the one putting cash on your wallet?"

You stopped and turned around seeing your older bro.

Russia let out a yawn and walked inside your bedroom.

"Goodmorning you cyka!"

You laugh and sat down properly.

"I was looking for this."

He snatched the ushnaka off your head making pout.

"I was gonna wake you. But then i saw your stuff and decided to try it on."

You snatched it back and put it back onto your head.

Russia laughs and stood up doing a lil stretch.

"You want some pancakes?"

You gasp and quickly stood up jumping onto his back.

"Yesh now take me downstairs!!"

Russia sighed and accepted his fate giving you a piggy back ride.

"Alright little shit. Hold on or i'll drop you."

Needless to say your big bro is a freaking tsundere. Even with you.




B r u h

Today is jungkook's birthday 😍😍😭

Happy birthday to my kookie 💓💓

Ignore this if you ain't a kpoper 😂

Mkay bye