Ch. 3 - The Proposition

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In less than two hours, Pooja had gobbled down a hearty breakfast of warm pancakes coupled with maple syrup and had called a taxi to take her home. Home. It was a strange word. Felt weird on her lips. This place was as far from home as a jail cell. 

She eyed Ashok Sharma's four storey mansion with disgust. If he had had half the expertise in being a father as he did in being a businessman, their relationship might not have been as down in the dumps as it currently was. 

I'm only going to see Rani, She promised herself. A 5 minute visit and then I'll be out. When she had called Rani's phone number from the hotel this morning, her sister had begged her to meet her in her father's house. After about twenty minutes of back and forth arguing, Pooja had finally relented. For five minutes only. 

With a confident nod, she marched forward to face the one man she despised the most.

The house was exactly as she had remembered it when her and her mother had walked out of Ashok's life ten years ago. Pooja, at the ripe age of 15, had learned a truth about her father. He was a lying, deceitful cheat. 

With each step into the house, the memories came rushing back like a wave, assaulting her with their force. The beautiful back yard...where she had once played. The living room...her favorite spot to cuddle with a good book. She hadn't even had time to say goodbye to any of it. One fine day, her mother had just told her that they were leaving, and that had been it. 

And then she had learned of her step-sister. Well, for starters, she learned that she HAD a step-sister who was just a little older than herself. 

Pooja had a sudden urge to laugh. How had such a poor excuse of a man managed to give her a sister like Rani? 

She felt a sudden flood of affection overcome her. Rani and her step-mother, Shraddha, had been her only support when it had all come crashing down and Pooja adored them with all her heart. If she was here in this house, it was solely for her sister. 

"Rani!" Pooja called, "I'm here." Upon receiving no answer, Pooja let out another exasperated call. "Rani, where the hell are you?!"

In less than a moment, Pooja was greeted by a sheepish looking butler, who seemed much too anxious to go as far as meeting eyes with her. "I apologize for the delay madam. Miss Rani said she was expecting you in Dr. Sharma's room," 

He waved towards the end of the hallway at an enclosed door. "Shall I bring you anything to eat or drink Miss?" He asked sullenly. Shaking her head, Pooja walked past the frenzied butler and on towards her father's room. 

It was the last thing she wanted to do. And with each step, the bile rose further up her throat. She couldn't help but feel a slight pang of agitation towards Rani. Her sister knew her equation with Ashok Sharma. But for years, she had been hell bent on reuniting the two of us. The more she tried, the further apart we grew. And now, even when the man was on his deathbed, Pooja had not the slightest inclination to meet him. I'm just here to meet Rani, she reminded herself as she covered the final few steps towards the room. 

Her father stood near a large french window with his hands behind his back. Although he was peering at the scenery outside, his eyes had a faraway look that told Pooja he had little interest in worldly affairs at the moment. Her sister stood beside Ashok, gnawing worriedly on her lip. 

"She won't agree to this, dad." Rani declared nervously. "I've known her for 10 years now and she's too steadfast and stubborn to agree to your proposal." 

Ashok sighed, shaking his head. "I know, Rani. And I know we've also not been on the best of terms. But as her father, I'm simply doing what's best for her. She won't find a man better than Kabir Mittal if she searched with a magnifying glass," he declared confidently. 

Neither of them had noticed Pooja's entry. Pooja cleared her throat, already feeling irritated. Clearly the conversation between father and daughter had been about Pooja. "Rani, why did you ask for me to come here?" Pooja demanded. "Whats is it you need to say to me HERE of all places that you couldn't say elsewhere?!"

Her eyes flickered to her father's face which seemed to have aged about 20 years since she had last seen him. Her father, who seemed shaken by Pooja's voice had now composed himself. He turned to Rani. "Sweetheart, could you give Pooja and I a moment alone?" He requested.

Rani nodded and began to walk out. Pooja's eyes narrowed. If this was some kind of plan to get Pooja to speak to her dying father, then she wasn't having it. "I'm coming with you." Pooja announced, traipsing behind her sister. But her father was quick. In a moment, he was in front of her, covering her only path of exit. 

"Move." Pooja barked, infuriated. 

He shook his head. "Not until you listen to what I say." After a moment's hesitation, he added, "consider it a dying man's last wish."

Pooja shook her head. "You mean nothing to me. Whether you're dead or alive means nothing to me. And so you can take your 'last wishes' and shove it up your ass." She growled, nudging past her father.

"Pooja," her father pleaded. "Please. You haven't spoken to me in 10 years. Ten. whole. years. Pooja."

She nodded. "Yes. And I'm perfectly content with that status. I have nothing to say to you and you can't possibly have anything to say that I want to hear."

As she began to walk out of the room, Ashok called from behind. "Even if it involves Shraddha?"

Pooja froze. Shraddha. She hadn't heard her father say that name since the day her step-mother had taken Rani and walked out on him. First Pooja's own mother had walked out on him and then, once Shraddha had found out about Ashok's affair with Pooja's mother she too had left his home with Rani in hand. Ashok was alone. What could he possibly have to say with regards to Shraddha?

Pooja turned, awaiting his response. He sighed. "I have cancer." He admitted. "Final stage. No possibility of treatment." He paced the room and finally found a spot on the bed and took a seat as if he had walked a marathon. He gazed around. "After your mother died, I decided that this property and all my assets would go to Shraddha, yourself and Rani. But I've changed my mind now," he said. 

Pooja glared at him, incredulously. What the HELL did that mean?! It hadn't been easy for Shraddha to make a living for herself and Rani. And then, upon her mother's death, Shraddha had taken Pooja under her wing too. It had always been a financial crunch for her to single-handedly raise not one, but two daughters. If anyone deserved this property, Pooja knew it was her step-mother. And now, as if he hadn't done enough, Ashok Sharma was planning on taking this away from her too.

Noting her bewildered expression, Ashok continued. "However, the property CAN be hers granted that you accept my condition." 

His eyes flashed towards Pooja with a confident glint. "You must marry the man of my choice. You must marry Kabir Mittal." 


I know it's been a while for this story but hopefully you guys enjoyed it :P would love to read your comments!!! <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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