me and my lover

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I was in high school when i first saw my crush hes kinda tall and hes really sweet and very hot but he would never see how much i care for him or how much i love him until the day of our high school dance i walked in and there he was starting at me then a random boy walked up and asked to dance the he run up behind me and said hey baby who's your friend here me just starting at him like is this really happening right now then the boy walks away and he spins me looking at my body up and down and says damn girl you fine then i say thanks Oliver moy and he says yeah no problem lil mama what do u say we skip the dance and head to my place then i say yeah sure so we get in his car and then we get to his house and Sebastian runs out and says Oliver how was it and sorry i couldn't go i had to watch Mateo and who is the beautiful girl Oliver runs to open the door and says my girlfriend lets go to my room um ok then we rush to his room and he closes his room door then he pushes me on the bed and starts kissing me then he takes off his shirt and my dress and just then mommy moy walks in on us and says OMG Oliver Moy just then Oliver jumps off me and stands up and says yes mom who is this beautiful girl and why are you guys half naked just then i cover my self and say maybe i should go now and then mommy moy stops me before i leave the room and says you can only stay the night if your Oliver's girlfriend then me and mommy moy look at Oliver then he walks up to me and kisses me and says of course she is mom then she gets ready to leave the room and says don't forget to use a condom Oliver then i look at him and he just smiles and closes the door once again and locks the door just as we started kissing again there was a knock at the door i walk to the door with Oliver's sweat shirt on i then open the door thinking it would be Sebastian but just then i looked down to see Mateo standing there and pushes open the door and says pizza's here come get some if your hungry then Oliver says trust me im hungry but not for pizza but mateo leaves not knowing what Oliver ment by that just then i shut the door again and lock it so i walk over to Oliver and he's sitting on the edge of his bed i slowly rape my legs around his waste and start to kiss him just then were laying on the bed again and this time we were naked and we just had S.E.X. such a powerful word and then i asked Oliver after this am i just some girl or was he serious about me being his girlfriend then he tells me he's dead serious then we both realize he didn't use a condom a few months pasted and i got sick then mommy moy took care of me then she said lets go to the store then we go inside then she takes me to get a pregnantse test then i asked who is this for she said you she tells me pee on it hurry its your fresh pee that will let us know come on then i go to the bathroom and pee on the stick and i kept telling myself im not pregnant im not pregnant come to find out im pregnant then i walk out of the bathroom crying then mommy moy know right away she pulled me close and said its ok i cryed when i found out i was pregnant with Sebastian to its ok I'll help you and how are you going to tell Oliver idk i cryed just then i got to there house and then Oliver asked me hey baby how would you feel moveing in with us i would love to baby i told him with teary eyes just then a few weeks passed and i was all moved in just then as i got home from the store Oliver ran over and started to kiss me and i kissed him back but then i realized oh no thats how i got pregnant in the first place so i pushed him away just then Oliver asked me baby are you ok i couldn't hold it in any longer i said no baby im not ok im pregnant with your baby and you have to help me with everything just then Oliver's jaw droped just like the day he saw me at the high school party then he closed his mouth and got closer to me and just held me close then he looked at me and said ill help you with what ever you need baby ok oh ok Oliver startes to walk away just then i say Oliver he says yeah baby i say I LOVE YOU just then he says I LOVE YOU TOO baby a year passed and i had the baby then we named him a cute baby boys name (idk) years and years went on and the baby gro up and thats the end of my life .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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