Chapter 1

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How come my friend always plays pranks on everyone but never gets caught?

She always just seems to pop up everywhere and disappear just as quickly?

How come her dipdied hair never fades?

Is it just me or is there something special about my friend?

Chapter 1

It was early morning in late November. It was so cooled outside the trees were shivering and everyone was hidden away in their caves of warmth. Snugly and cozy in their beds praying this was the worst it was going to get but knowing deep inside that it had just started.

While people of Windsmill BC Canada were all snuggled in their beds two girls were texting anticipating the school dance coming up in a couple of weeks, the Snowflake Ball. It was an annual dance for students grade 9-12, it was a formal dance with an orchestra and each student was suppose to know how to ball dance. Everyone did because it was a unit in PE that everyone had since grade 8.

The girls were excited because they were finally in grade 9 and could not wait to go dress shopping later that day. But that was not the only thing that was going through their heads. Nobody had asked them to the dance yet and almost all the good looking guys had dates already.

There were these two twin guys that they had had a crush on since they were little. They had met them at a community barbecue. When The girls were 5 they had met each other at the barbecue then bumped and literally bumped into them. The girls instantly had crushes on them and they still do till this day. But both girls are shy and like to stay to them self, hanging out in a small group of friends sometimes at school. So going up to them was way out of the question.

Miley was very tall and skinny. She had natural hazle brown hair that came to the middle of her back. She had freckles and wore glasses in elementary school (grade 1-7) but her parents let her use contacts after grade 7. Both girls had, had brases during elementary school but got them off in grade 8. Miley's family insisted of her mom dad and younger brother, but only by a year.

Adriana was normal hight and skiny. She had bleach blond hair, dipdied purple and blue on the bottom. It also came down to the middle of her back, both girls had bangs. Adriana had no freckles or glasses but had dimples on her cheek. Adrena lives with her grandma because when she was born her parents started fighting and when she was one they both just left her at there old house and went their separate ways. A day later, when Adriana was getting close to death because she was already underfeed, her grandma had come by to check on the family, she found Adriana there all alone no way to contact her parents.

Adriana and Miley's brother Zack had been going out for a couple of months now but she would not be able to go with him to the dance because he was to young. It was not a serious relationship. They hung out and held hands but had never kissed or gone on an official date yet.

'call me' texted Adriana

'k' replied Miley

A second later Adriana's phone was going off in the ringtone of 'we are never getting back together' by Taylor Swift.

"Hello." answered Adriana

"Hey, hows my wonderfull friend this wonderful day? Note the sarcasm." replied Miley. They both laughed a bit.

"Good, you?"

"I am good. So what are you wearing today?"

"I am wearing my old blue jeans my blue long slev sweater, with the hood, then my jean jacket over top. With my dark brown Ugs, and matching beanie took type thing and my hair curled."

"Omg. I am wearing my black knitted leggings with my light brown Ugs, and matching color leather jacket. I am wearing my white 3quarter length shirt with little blue flowers on it and my yellow scarf. I am putting my hair in a messy bun."

"Love it. My grandma will drop me off in an hour. Then your mom can take us shoping." said Adriana as both girls squealed.

"Ok see you then."


"Bye!" both girls hung up then went to get ready.

2 hours later

The girls had been shopping for an hour. But had not stopped in a dress shop yet. They had gone to Ardennes, Lasensa, Walmart, and the book store, and only now heading to Le Chatoue.

Miley's dress was pink and sparly and was like a princess dress. Adriana's was the same type but just blue with a little bit of purple in the top part. It matched her hair so well.

"I cant wait till the dance in two weeks!" the girls screamed in the back of Adriana's mom's car, as they were driving home from there successful shopping trip. They already had flats that they could where from all the pre-teen dances they had gone to.

They were all set for the dance now just the dates. They were guessing that nobody would ask them so they were going to go together and just hangout as friends. Anyways they probably would not have been able to talk to there dates if they had any. They would be too shy.

Authors note:

-attached a pic of Miley's dress.

Or was this one Adriana's. You will know. They are labeled.

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