Chapter 2: Underestimated

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Third person POV

The forest of aoigihara, the place where ancient demons live and haunt feared ones. There a hidden cave under the ground, that glows on the darkest nights along the whispers of the homes of sorrow.

Peace and mysterious, the low lives of the souls sung through with gentle might. An crystal waterfall glows bright under the ground, as the peaceful noise that no one can ever bound.

Around the area, there was an old katana hanging on the top of the waterfall. Peacefully kazuki was there meditating alone himself, along with the things he have on the side of him.

Then a Oni okami secretly watching kazuki, with enough anger it claws came out and ready to jump towards him. As tall than man and as powerful as machine, slowly came out and slowly sneaking behind him.

Accidently stepped a branch, it snapped and felt aware from his surroundings. It had no choice but to jump out, and attacking kazuki behind with great speed than man could run.

Then a wall of rock rises, blocking every path and it formed into a cage. Trying to break it with all force used, but it's still useless due to the hardness of it.

Spikes forms out from the walls as it slowly shrinking the space. The oni okami felt fear and useless, slowly whining as it shivers in fear. No plans and no escape, the walls stops as it's spikes deformed.

"You aren't supposed to be here" kazuki sighed as he stands up, and slowly packing his things. "Now get lost"

The Cage deformed as he leaves a letter at the crystal waterfall. But the Oni okami didn't listen but to attack him with it's sharp claws.

But then sharp pointed spikes stabs everywhere on the Oni okami, stabbing the flesh and breaking the bones one by one. Twisting and crushing every part into pieces inside, slowly died into ashes and left a dark soul floating on the ground.

Kazuki's POV

Well that was a waste of time, giving chances doesn't make anyone change. Especially to those who died for nothing. That Oni okami should be lucky if he just walked away from death, no choice but to end his biggest mistake.

I grabbed my things and head back to the village of Hiroshima, along holding my scythe. Buying supplies for the poor is really a hard job, but it can also help to village a non unworking citizen due to giving everyone their own apartment and jobs given by the government.

I used to lived in my uncle's home, he was the guardian of Hiroshima that never got hit even a scratch. He was called "Lion sin" because of his aura that gave him an unstoppable power. I couldn't even land a single hit every time we spar on the fields, he always seems happy every day and night with or without people around him.

Wielded the heaven's mighty sun axe called "Lion's Pride", a designed one handed axe which he and the only one could carry the axe. Defended the village for over 10 years, he is also a good father like my true father.

Third person POV


The past was no mercy and murderous, cities and the homes of heaven's creation was burned to destruction. Hiroshima and the others were also destroyed to pieces, filled with thousands of bodies of the poor.

Many tried to defend their homes, but the murderous demons conquered every life on their way.

The last stand of Hiroshima failed.

Every blood of the warriors drips and burned to ashes. The sound of clashing swords merged, as the war cry of honor horns in battle.

"So your the one they called the demon king himself" the lion sin said as he draw his one handed axe, staring into the Demon's green fiery eyes then it's body suddenly changes to human size.

"Finally someone knew some information" he exclaim and point his flaming sword to the lion sin. "You must be that traitor's friend"

"Even he is a traitor or not" lion sin exclaim and clenches his fist. "But you cannot conquer our land of peace!"

"We'll see about that" the demon king smirked and charged his sword to lion sin.

But suddenly another clash of swords roared, destroying 2 story buildings in a wave of impact.

"Well I guess the cryptid finally came" the demon king grew an evil grin as he pushes his sword with force. "Too bad your late"

"Your not worthy to conquer and take my home" kazuki's father grunts and pushes his sword with force. "Kenzo I need you to find and protect my children, I'll deal him myself"

"But k-" kenzo was pushed away as  they clashed their swords again and again, causing the ground to rumble every building.

"Forget about me!" he yelled as he kicked the demon king away, his eyes glowed blue as his sword charges dark energy. "Take care of them and I'll be fine once this ends"

"Fine" Kenzo sighed and sprinted to the high mountains of Hiroshima. "Just be safe my friend"


Kazuki's POV

Standing in front of his door really a made me nervous, so I placed the box of supplies on the door and placed a crystal on the door knob.

Sometimes the war was full of sorrow and guilt, but when there's no sacrifice then there's no victory.

Colder than steel and peaceful than death, father usually loves poems when I was a kid. The sound of the wind is peaceful yet beautiful, just like the rhythm of a plucked guitar.

The 7 sins aren't just a myth or legend, they are a prophecy to humankind. Some never understand and some never listen. But I believe some day heaven will rise again and reclaim what's ours than the demons.

I knocked the door and dashed fast as I can from Uncle kenzo's house.

The lion sin guardian, the protector of Hiroshima and the one who hold the sun himself.

Kenzo Donquixote....

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