The Final Letters.

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July 2nd, Tuesday

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July 2nd, Tuesday.
The Final Letters.

*Brad's P.O.V*

"Brad come on, dinner's ready." I shook my head at Caleb's words.

"Mate come on, you need to eat." Jack chimed in.

The two of them stood behind me at the back door as I sat on my chair.

"I'm fine." I said as I looked out over the ocean.

The sun was setting over the water at a perfect angle.

"Just leave him... Make sure they leave a plate for him." I heard Jack mumble.

I looked back down at the piece of paper that was in my hands. The letter she'd written just for me. The only thing I had of her left.

Her journals were back home in my apartment. I wish I had of been able to bring them with me. I wonder if I'll ever be able to get them back?

Anyway, she'd left us all three letters.

The first was this, with FAMILY written on the back of it.

'Dear Family...

I hated what I was put through.
I hated what I had to see.
I hated the people who put me there.
I hated every decision and move that I made.
I hated watching people die.
I hated the silence.
I hated the noise.
I hated having to set up camp somewhere new every night.
I hated spending more time scavenging for food than I did eating it.
I hated being bored.
I hated having to run every single day just to live.
I hated losing friends and family.
I hated the fact I let so many people get killed and bitten.
I hated having to spend so much time waiting and doing nothing.
I hated all of the thoughts I ever had.
I hated the fact that I've killed people with my own hands.
I hated the fact that I stole from of many places and did not give anything in return.
I hated how a gun became such a necessity, like how phones have become to some.
I hated being angry at everyone and everything.
I hated my attitude in general.
I hated that I invaded other people's homes, ate at their tables and slept in their beds.
I hated the fact that I could not do a single thing about the position that I was in.
I hated the way I treated my friends and family, for they did nothing wrong.
I hated the blood, other liquids and body parts the I had to see daily.
I hated watching cities burn to the ground, and/or getting bombed.
I hated seeing families torn apart.
I hated seeing so many dead dismantled bodies.
I hated having no electricity and no running clean water.
I hated all of the bruises and cuts, knowing that they probably won't forever remain on my body, but will definitely in my heart.
I hated feeling so helpless.
I hated never feeling safe.
I hated spending every day with the same people, but I am thankful they never truly pushed me away.
I hated the weather and how it constantly changed without any warning.
I hated not being able to call someone when I needed them the most, or emailing them or even writing a letter because I know they'd never get it.
I hated being so alone at times.
I hated that Neveah and Reed were no long there to entertain me when I needed it the most.
I hated all of the ghost towns and cities that I got to experience.
I hated not seeing and interacting with anyone but the group that I was with every single day.
I hated not having a warm comfy bed to sleep in, where I felt safe.
I hated the idea of having to sleep with a gun under my pillow every night, but I had to anyway.
I hated always having to constantly look over my shoulder.
I hated not having my parents to confide in.
I hated how much time I had to spend with Caleb and Savannah daily, but do no regret how close we became because of it.
I hated not being able to enjoy even the smallest things.
I hated missing everyone.
I hated not knowing what was going to happen next, or what everyone else was doing at the time.
I hated all of them smells and how they're now imprinted in my brain.
I hated the fact that everything I did, was just to survive.
I hated everything about the damn experience in the apocalypse.
I also hated the rioting.
I hated the fear.
I hated being constantly watched and listened too.
I hated what I caused.
I hated what I had done.
I hate the idea of what I have to do next...

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