I was in Hand-to-Hand combat class, I was sitting on the side because..well I know nothing in this type of..art, any art for that matter. I was trying to pay attention to the teacher but my red..belt...thingy wasn't tied properly. I was trying to tie it until I saw the prettiest smile I've ever seen, all-white, all straight, it was perfect. My eyes were now admiring her whole face she was fucking gorgeous, her brown eyes were so captivating, and intimidating at the same time, her nose was little and cute her eyelashes were long and curled upward perfectly, and ...her lips were..pink, almost red, freshly glossed, TOTALLY kissable, her hair was jet-black and long, next thing my eyes dare do to any women, was looking at her body and....god damn
ass: fat
boobs: good enough size for ANY man
stomach: light ab-work
collarbone: edible
her body + face: TOTALLY FUCKABLE
She was a fucking goddess, I wanted her all to myself, but the only thing that worried me was..me. I know for myself, I'm already alone, I'm gonna die alone, just, in all BE alone for the rest of my life. No one deserves to have the chore to be with me, especially a q u e e n like her, even if she is like the rest of these assholes at this school, she would never fall for me...but I already fell for her. The last thing I heard from the teacher was, "pick a partner...and find there's"..oh shit! I was dying inside yes..these people are gonna fucking kill me, I was kinda hoping the gorgeous girl in the back would come to be my partner, but Maria interrupted my stare by walking up to me, "No..no..no" I said in a whisper to her as she pulled me out of my seat, we started walking toward the mats. "Sorry about Chico," she said. I looked at her, yea that motherfucker had me smelling like a tropical island all damn day "haha let me get that" without me knowing she finally tied my belt tight enough for it to stay. I cough awkwardly, and look at the floor then back to her. "look I know your crazy or whatever..but you shouldn't mess with him" She said calmly...like it was a normal thing to say to her. "well he shouldn't be such an asshole" I said in a whisper again, she moved my hand to her waist, getting into position to beat my ass "...It's complicated" before I can respond to her, I quickly look up only to be absolutely heartbroken, the gorgeous girl I was looking at earlier was on top of the guy that...
1. helped kidnap me
2. shoved me in the hallway, and called me a "punk-ass bitch"
That asshole was under her, she was on top of him, both his hands pinned to the side of his head by her. The sight was making me anger knowing that my girl was on top of someone...that someone should be me. But then I remember..I'm me, she'll never even look my way, EVER....all I could say in my head was Lucky bitch, then I couldn't stop staring at the way she was looking at him, lust filled her beautiful fucking eyes. She had to pick him!. " girls always go for assholes," I said still staring at the goddess, the comment maybe was too obvious or I was staring at her for so long that, Maria noticed "guys always go for girls they can't have"..she was right, I can't have her or Maria or Saya, not that I want to tho...Maria has a lot of shit going down with this Chico bitch and Saya's too dark for me, The "goddess" was perfect for ME...and I'll never get her...God!I'm so fucking whipped for her already
I was so out of my fucking mind that I didn't even feel when Maria pulled my arm around her waist, What snapped me out of my daze, was a cry of pain and the sounds of breaking bones. I look over to see if the persons 'ok', only to realize it was the green-hair guy that also kid-napped me and some other guy. I look back and forth between the boy and Maria, a shocked expression plastered all over my face, "Is someone gonna help him?. I kinda daze off again, the goddess had someone face-flat on the mats, she grabbed his left arm and pulled it behind his back so far that she broke his shoulder, she did that same to his right arm, breaking it. She then did the most brutal thing ever she took his right leg and kicked it...breaking his calf bone in two. You could see his bone coming out, he was crying in pain, she then sat on his back, and pulled his hair so his face wasn't facing the floor anymore she whispered in his ear "...you do that shit again...and I'll stick my foot so up far your ass..that, you'll need Master Lin to get my $600 FILA sneakers out of it". Before he could stop crying and respond, she smashed his head back on the floor..breaking his nose. The whole class was watching even the teacher...half were horrified...well most, but some her smirking..like a proud smirk...wtf?. the only thing that was going on in my mind was...."what the fuck is this place" and...
"I just fell in love with a bad Bitch"
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