
23 2 1

Y/n L/n was the last name that they called on the list.

Before I knew it...I was being taken out of my holding cell. Being handcuffed as I walked down the dreary halls of the slave chambers. Underneath the auction house is where they are I think.

Walking past people I've seen most of my life, some have gone to never return... Some who have lived the same hellhole by being brought back.

Me? I've been brought back here 8 times. They don't like when I tell them depressing things or don't look happy.

The thing is...Once you've gone through as much as I have, it gets really hard to give people that optimistic bullshit that they use daily to feed off of.

Trudging up the cobblestone steps and into a classy dressing room. There, we were stripped of our potato sacks that they attempted to consider clothing. Then, we would be out into something more classy.

This particular dresser happened to be my favourite of the dressers. Her name is Tsuyu Asui. "Hey N/n, kerro." I gave a half-hearted smile back. "Hey Tsu.." She looks at me with sympathy. "Where did you get hit this time? kerro" My lips pulled into a frown as I reluctantly point to my back.

"Ow! Be careful please...it's still tender." After said comment, she tapped it lightly in certain areas and came with a conclusion to make me feel better. "Alright, kerro, I'll let you pick out your outfit for this one."

A small smile prodded at my lips as I slowly got out of the chair because of my back bruise. Looking at the options, all of them seem to be of a 'ball gown' style. So they are Noble families today. How fun. Is what I was thinking.

After about 5 minutes, I had finally decided on a dress and heels.

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Since most of the dresses were low budget, they looked to be more wenches outfits than anything

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Since most of the dresses were low budget, they looked to be more wenches outfits than anything. It's better than the potato sacks though.

"Time for makeup now, N/n. Please stay still this time." I sighed and leaned back into my seat.

A few minutes go by with me being utterly bored with nothing to do but sit in this chair and hope I don't get arthritis from my bad posture, one of the others that were forced to stay there walked up to me.

" Hey Y/n! How's the makeup going." It was my previous, and only, cellmate from before my eighth sell. She is my bestie, in a way.

" B/f/n... Help pleaseee. I'm being tortured!" B/f/n gave me a ' bitch please ' look and turned toward Tsu, chuckling. "It looks good Tsu. Just add a little bit more lipstick to that side of her lip." B/f/n lightly criticised, pointing to my face in the process.

Tsu nodded and added that small touch. My giddiness overran me for a second and I blurted out a bit loud, "Alright! Let's see the finished product!"

 My giddiness overran me for a second and I blurted out a bit loud, "Alright! Let's see the finished product!"

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"Thanks Tsu! It looks amazing!" I practically screamed in her face

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"Thanks Tsu! It looks amazing!" I practically screamed in her face. I look over to B/f/n and give her a pocket-sized smile. "Ninth times the charm."

I get rid of the smile as I walk on stage, with B/f/n in tow.

The lights that nobody who walked on stage could ever get used to were still as blinding as ever. So much so that we couldn't even see the faces of the bidders that were sitting in front of us. One at a time, they call our names and we stand on this pedestal in the front. They went down the row of girls and boys and started bidding.

Luckily, I was the last in line because I was first on stage. One by one, people were bid on and sold. Same as always. Then I was on the pedestal.

God I hated that damn thing. It always made me feel self-conscious and unsafe. Looking out into the unseen audience, wondering if I'll be put in another hell or if I'll stay in this one.

"Y/n L/n going for a start of 200,000 yen!"

Called the auctioneer. As the seconds went by, the bids got higher. Then someone from the crowd speaks, a woman to be exact.

"600,000 yen!"

I was shocked to be honest. I hadn't even been higher than 300,000 yen before! "Going once!... Going twice!..."


Hey everyone. Thanks for trying out my story so far! If you liked it, please let me know and I'll keep writing. See you next chapter?...I'll take that as a yes.

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