•The Moon's Out•

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"Going Once...Going Twice..."

I was grabbed and taken off stage almost immediately after I was announced sold. From there, they sat me at the front entrance of the auction house. With me were one girl and one boy.

I knew them both, luckily, so we didn't have to stand there awkwardly. "Hey Guys. How's it goin'?" The girl chuckles and replies, " The usual. Getting auctioned, usually getting sold, getting returned for some dumbass reason. Gosh, isn't it the third time we've gotten sold together, (boy name) (sorry, I'm lazy.)?" He nods, " Yeah. It is...What about you Y/n?" "Huh?"

    He shakes his head lightly. "How may times have you gotten sold?" "Oooh. I've gotten sold around," I hold out my hands and count on my finger, which is hard to do when your hands are bound together.

"Nine times." They look at me like I was a lunatic or something. "Geez, Y/n...I know elderly people who have been here for thirty plus years and have only been picked, like, four times!" I shrug their comment off and sit there without saying another word.

Instead of talking with the two next to me, I confide in other people's conversations to keep me entertained. So, I listen to other people as they walk past. I heard things that involved business trade, slave trade, the royalty that was at the auction just earlier.

The list went on for a solid three minutes. They listed off The Todoroki family, The Yaoyorozu family, The Iida family, etc. But what really caught my attention was when the person listing off the families stated,

"The Tokoyami family bought one of the troubled ones today. How long do you think they'll take to bring her back?"

That conversation went on forever, but I kept getting caught on one tiny little thought that said,

'Who the hell is the Tokoyami Family?'

Luckily, my question was soon to be answered. A man that was dressed in formal attire saunters through the front entrance of the auction house and announces, "I am here in regards of the Tokoyami Family. Therefore, I am here to collect their 'worker'."

One of the many people running around the front lobby strides over to our bench and grabs my shoulder quite firmly and says, "Here is the bid won today for them. Please inform us at least a day ahead of time before returning her." It sounds quite rude, might I add, but I don't really have an opinion.

The collector, of sorts, grabs my forearm and leads me to a cart (Think about the beginning of Skyrim. If you don't know, look it up.) and kept me tied up. As if I could go anywhere anyway.

The ride was so boring...Especially being the only slave in the cart. The longer we ride, the darker it gets as the sun is setting, giving off the lovely ombre of pink, purple and blue. The moon was visible, as well as a few brighter stars. The forest on either side of the cart giving off a serine and calm aura as we head deeper into the miles and miles of greenery.

With the pleasant surrounding, I find myself getting more tired by the minute.


Oh God. I must have fallen asleep...With all of these nights that they make me work...it's all building up on me.

*Yawn* "Excuse me, sir," I speak up to the Coachman. "When are we going to get to our destination?" He turns to me for a split second before returning to his original position.

"We've arrived, miss." I look toward the front of the cart and find a large gothic Victorian castle straight ahead.

(Choose which one you like the most)

(Choose which one you like the most)

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Sorry If I didn't give any good plot in this chapter. I'm just trying to build up to the good part of the plot. But I was also thinking that I could make this "Au" with other characters as well. If you would like to recommend any, please do so in the comments. I will also gladly take any dms from you guys.

696 words

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