Chapter 1

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As usually, Alice goes to her house. She lives in a big house in the Northside of a town named Riverdale. She has two daughters, Elizabeth and Polly, and she's married since 25 years to Hal Cooper. Her older daughter, Polly, left the house to raise her twins, Juniper and Dagwhood. Alice works at the Register, the newspaper of the town while Betty studies at Riverdale High.

When she goes to Betty's room upstairs to tell her goodbye, she found her husband with a letter in his hand.

   -Why do you have a letter of this fucking serpent in our room? he asks her with aggressiveness.

   -Give me that, it's not your business, she answers him with the same pitch.

She takes the letter to his hands and checks if he doesn't damage it.

Hal takes her left arm with violence to talk to her.

   -Stop that you hurt me, she tells him but he doesn't let her go.

   -Answer me, why have you this letter?

   -I tell you again, it's not your business, she answered him.

She finally succeed to make him release her and she go outside to go at Pop's, the restaurant of the town.

The serpent that Hal was talking about was Forsythe Pendleton Jones the II, the leader of a gang in the Southside. They were dating in high school and Alice get pregnant but had to give up to adoption the little boy named Charles. Betty is dating with Jughead, Fp's son and this is get more close their parents.

I hope you'll enjoy this story and the chapter 2 will come soon

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