Chapter 2

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When Alice arrives at Pop's, she sits down to her usual table close to the window and not to far from the bar. She asks her favorite thing, an hot chocolate with cinnamon. She's waiting and looks the letter that she doesn't frop anf starts to cry.

This letter represents a lot of things for her. FP gives it to her during the representation of Carrie The Musical where she plays Carrie's mother.

Hermione Lodge, Alice's best friend, comes inside and when she sees Alice, comes close to her.

  -Hey, what's wrong? she asked her.

  - It's... It's Hal.

  - What did he do again?

  - He found this letter of Fp and started to threat me, she explained.

  - It's gonna be okay don't worry. You know I'll always be here for you.

And the women started to talk when the Jones comes in Pop's. FP was with his wife Gladys and their children Jughead anf Jellybean.

When Alice saw them, she tells to Hermione:

  - And more than that, how to tell to FP that I'm pregnant to his baby while he moved with the mother of his children?

  - What?! You're pregnant? Are you sure he is the father?

  - Absolutely sure. It's been almost a year that Hal didn't touch me and the only guy with who I slept with was FP.

Hermione was shocked, not by the fact that she cheated Hal, she doesn't care of that, but because she was pregnant of FP. More than that, she was worried about how Alice will tell to FP and Hal and their reactions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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