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Annie pov.

A smile takes over me and my heart picks up pace with each step I take. I had called hours earlier to ask King Ajax if I could drop by and surprise James. I needed a break from everything, I needed the dance he promised, for everytime something bad happened. I needed him to just hug me. Just to hear his laugh and I knew everything would be better. He was the light in my darkness and I just needed to see him so I could get through these tiring days of the start of a war.

Desdemona already had Jacy call the Fae kingdom, Jacy worked her magic and the Fae's are working with us. Next she will try the Pure Blood kingdom.

I shake my head, shaking the negative thoughts away, I just wanted to pretend the world wasn't getting ready to burn around us. I speed up my steps as I near James door. I quickly grab the door knob and open it.

My eyes widen to see a girl throwing herself on him. James has on gym shorts and a button-up shirt that is unbuttoned.

James throws her and she lands on the bed roughly, he looks to me quickly. My lips are parted lightly in shock, I feel my lip start to tremble, but I don't let the damn break.

James looks at me with shock and concern taking over his expression. This must be his mate, Kaela. She looks at me with a smug look.

"Wait-Wait Annie its no-"

"No." I shrug my shoulders, my body starts to shake. "She is your mate, its fine." I then quickly shut the door before I can no longer hold back the burning hot tears trying to escape, I cover my mouth as I quickly walk away trying to hold back the sobs, my throat burns at my attempts.

I hear the door open and heavy foots steps follow after me. "Wait, Annie please. Let me explain."

I quickly go down the stairs as I shake my head. "There is nothing to explain, she is your mate."

I was stupid to think he could love me, she would always come first, always before me. She was prettier than me for sure, especially being a human. Her ebony black hair fell around her in waves, her skin kissed by the sun, her eyes golden brown like honey, not stupid red, like mine, her hair isn't crazy and uncontrollable like mine either.

She is skinny and toned as if she never had a child, I'm two sizes too big.

I could never compare.

I grab the front door as James grabs my hand. "Annie wait, I promise it is not what it-"

"Oh don't lie to her Jamie, we are mates and we are in love!" I flinch at her voice.

"Stay out of this!" I turn to James with a glare as he shouts at her.

"Don't talk to her that way!" James looks at me in shock, as she does as well. "She is your mate, you treat her like you treated me, but even better. If she makes you happy then be with her," my lips tremble as I shrug, my voice is choppy. "I'll be fine."

"But Ann-" I open the door and walk out shutting it in his face, I couldn't look at him, I couldn't be in his presence any longer. I quickly walk to the car fumbling with the keys as suddenly the sky starts to cry with me.

I jam the keys in and unlock the door and quickly get in as James walks out, with out looking at him I race off. I let the tears fall faster as a sob escapes me. I drive quickly until I reach the jet. I quickly stop in the parking lot and kill the engine. I get out and rush to the jet seeing a concerned guard.

"My lady what is wrong." I hold my self as another sob escapes me.

"I want to go home." Is all I can blurt out. The guard nods as he quickly helps me into the jet, he rubs my back soothingly, commanding people to get the pilot for immediate take off.

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