Creatures of Darkness

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"Do you plead guilty to the slaughter of the humans Rebecca St.Claire and her sister Jean St.Claire?"

The voice of the potentate's voice rang harshly through the high-walled building, almost causing tremors to shake through the cobble-stoned floor. His voice was clear and angry-an authoritative twang clung to his hard tone.

"Yes, your Majesty." The venom that wrapped itself around that word was blunt and burning with rage and arrogance.

The two guards that held the culprit jostled him roughly at his tone towards their king, one of the men punching him in the ribs as an added punishment.

He groaned, though tried to keep it quiet. He couldn't fight them, a powerful liquid had been injected into his bloodstream before he'd been brought in front of the king, causing him to fall into an almost paralytic state which meant his limbs were limp and his head lolled to the side often-as if he was intoxicated.

"Very well," the King stood and looked to the audience that witnessed this prosecution with his chest puffed out and a now-stoic expression. "This creature-" he gestured for his two men to turn the man around to face the crowd. "This thing is a cold-hearted murderer who will suffer his long death by gradual sunlight!"

No human would say the word, the real name for the 'creature', because if they did, it would mean that they were real, that these suckers were among them-possibly their mothers, daughters, husbands, uncles etcetera and that scared them-terrified humans. Even at the distance, they all stood, the onlookers had eyes wide with horror and terror-if asked, all would deny coming near him.

"Use my name and call me what I am, not offensive nicknames-it might make you more...likeable." The creature growled which shocked everyone, a mass gasp filled the room.

Another slam to the ribs.

"Do it, King." He spat as his head fell to the side weakly.

"I shall not utter what you are," the King looked to him and replied with an annoyed twang, "but your name-I suppose that won't harm anyone."

He threw his glance back to the crowd and smiled grimly, "it is named Jasper Tozer."

A smile spread across Jasper's face, shining white teeth speckling between his lips. Thank you, he thought.

"Now take him to the Circle!" The king demanded, pointing towards the exit. He sat on his throne, looking at his fingers uninterestedly.

Jasper knew the King would not bother to watch his suffering. Yes, he may of hated Jasper's kind but he cared not for watching a single measly burning body-a House of vampires melting away would definitely spike his interest. Every human would want to witness that, just like the witches that were burnt by fire.

Humans were a disgrace to the blood-sucking fiends, enemies, through the torture of relative blood.

Vampires were the unholy offspring of an experiment turned erroneous, a human that aimed for forever life.

Human's although creating the vampiric race did not understand them. Yes, they knew they created them, but they didn't understand why they shouldn't die, why they don't deserve the same life humans did. Just like they hated the fact vampires needed blood to survive, fresh human blood. No vampire ever survived through sucking a rat or any other animal.

This was because the experiment caused a vampire's bloodstream to slowly diminish, causing their skin to sink in, muscles to flunk-a long-dead body would be the result. So the blood of a human, one that shares the same blood type is needed to refill their own blood.

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