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      Cheyann walked into class on Monday morning and sat down next to a girl. Cheyann was the new girl in the town and in the school,she didn't know anyone in her new town
except her mom, sister and brother but her sister was 4 and her brother was 17 so they weren't in her classes. The brown haired girl started talking to Cheyann asking her name and things about her. Cheyann replied with "My names Cheyann I have a brother sister and  no contact with my dad umm, I'm kinda shy when you first meet me but once you get to know me you'll see I'm very outgoing." "Oh my names Brooklyn I have a sister and my dad is in jail and I'm very outgoing not shy at all and it's good to meet you." Cheyann and Brooklyn continued to talk for the next 4 months of school and they knew everything about each other. But school was ending very shortly so they wouldn't see much of each other until Cheyann invited Brooklyn to just stay with her for the summer. Brooklyn of course said yes. Brooklyn has met Cheyann's family before and they were nothing like Brooklyn's, everyone was so friendly and calm,unlike Brooklyn's they were loud and drug addicts so they never really paid attention to Brooklyn unless she was getting high with them. Cheyann and Brooklyn were having a good start to the summer Brooklyn had started dating a boy named Gavin and they were happy. Justin even had a girlfriend her name was lily snd she was sweet and kind. But then Brooklyn told cheyann to sit down and that she needed to talk to her.

-Brooklyn..."Cheyann I have feelings for Justin.."
-cheyann..."Brooklyn you can like him all you want just don't act on your feelings for him."
-Brooklyn..."I would never you're my best friend."

Cheyann's friend Millian came over and had a sleepover with cheyann and Brooklyn. Millian kept saying she didn't like Brooklyn and she was a bitch.

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