Little bit

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*Sonny and Cyndy cover picture*

Sonny Pov

I don't know why I'm so nervous to go over a girl house like it's just a girl. I told her a hour but I'm going to the mall with some of my friends so I need to speed up the time.
Getting out the shower I put on some sweats and a black hoodie.
Walking downstairs I see that my parents are not here as usual. Sometimes I think they take extra hours so they won't me here with me. But it's whatever. Walking down the street to Cyndy house I knocked on the door. I brown skin lady answered the door.

"Um hello"

"Hi I'm Sonny here to do my project with Cyndy"

"Oh okay. I'm her aunt Shanna. She in the room on the left. Tell her I'm gone to the hospital and watch after Adriana when she wake up"



I walk to the door I think is Cyndy because I hear some music. I think Disclosure ft Sam Smith latch.
I knocked on the door. Cyndy open it with her hair in a messy looking bun, NFL jersey and some black boy shorts. Damn

"You early"

"Yeah I'm going to the mall later with some friends so I just thought come early and get it done with"

"Oh" she looked sad "come in"

"Your aunt left and said look after Adriana"

"Yeah thanks"

"So where do you want to start? Me draw you or you draw me?"

"Umm I can draw you"

"Okay let's do it"

Cyndy Pov

"Cynna" I hear Adriana yelled.

I jumped up out of my chair and went to her room

"What's wrong Adriana ? You scared me"

"I had a bad dream" she was crying

"Awe do you want me to stay with you until you go back to sleep or do you want to go in my room with me?"

"Your room Cynna and we can play games, watch movies, eat a lot of candy,- who he?"

I turn around and see Sonny at the door smiling.

"That's Sonny. Adriana he my art partner from school"

Sonny Pov

Cyndy looked scared when she heard her little cousin scream her name. She's so good with kids. I was standing at the door when she was trying to calm her down. And when she introduced me like that I kind of was hurt that she didn't introduce me as her friend.

"Oh I want to hang out with you guys" Adriana said

"Okay but we are doing our homework. Your going to behave right?"

"Yes Cynna Imma behave gosh. Let's go"

Lil that was funny. I followed them back in the room and I started by up drawing Cyndy. I love the nickname Adriana gave her Imma have to steal it.

"Sonny your pretty I like you" Adriana said.

Chuckling "thanks Adriana. Your gorgeous too"

She smiled showing her dimples

"Are you hungry Adriana?"

"Yeah I want some chicken Alfredo."

"Okay." Looking at me "do you mind if I fix something to eat real quick?"

"Yeah sure"

Truth be told I don't want to go to the mall with my friends. I want to stay with Cyndy and Adriana because it's something about her that I like.

While Cyndy was cooking Adriana was telling me a story about what happen at daycare today"

"- and she tried to take my crayons so I had a bop her"

Laughing this girl is to grown for her own good.

"Adriana what I tell you about hitting people?"

"That I should tell the teacher and violent don't solve anything" she sound annoyed

"Little girl don't play with-" she was cut off by her phone

"Hello....yeah she I'm already cooking why?.....okay I'll ask and see you in a little."

"Who was that Cynna?"

"Your mom she said she'll be here in a little with some guest and to get you cleaned up." She looked at me "and see if you wanted to stay but you going to the mall so-"

"No no I don't mind staying for dinner. My parents would be at the hospital anyways. "

"I'm okay well can you watch to stove while I go put her in the tub ?"

"Yeah okay"

Cyndy Pov

Why would me aunt want use to get dressed we look okay nothing wrong with what we have on.

"Why mommie want me dressy dressy?"

"We having guest over Adriana"


"I like Sonny is he your boyfriend ?"

"No Adriana. He a friend from school"

"Well I want him to be your boyfriend"

Chuckling "Adriana be quiet and bath"


"Adriana and Cyndy I'm home." I hear my aunt.

Coming out the kitchen I see her with a nice looking black couple with to kids. The boy look my age and the girl look Adriana age.

"Adriana , Cyndy this is Mr. And Mrs. Smith and their children Leland and Macy."

"Hi Macy in Adriana. Do you want to see my dolls?"

"Yeah" and they ran off

"Um hi and auntie. Sonny in the kitchen"

"Okay let's go in the living room"

I go get Sonny and we sir in the living room.

"So Cyndy is this your boyfriend ?" Mrs. Smith asked

"Oh no this is Sonny he's my art partner"

"Nice to meet you Sonny"

"You too ma'am"

"Sonny this is Leland. You guYs look about the same age. He 17"

"Yes I'm 17 too"

"What does you parents do?"

Okay they getting a little to personal and I can tell Sonny don't want to talk about his family all night.

"They are both doctors"

"Wow that is wonderful"

"Um I think the good is ready" I said trying to get out of this conversation.

I mouthed "I'm sorry" to Sonny but he just smiled.

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