Chapter One

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Lewis felt just like Alexander in 'Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day', except his name was Lewis and he already lived in Australia. His older brother used to read him that book almost every night, but he had never related to it as much as he did on this day. So far today he had been forced to deal with an unnecessary amount of crap. His morning was filled with his younger twin brothers wrecking havoc on the house. They had managed to wake him up, on one of the few days he had the ability to sleep in. Apparently they needed help with biology homework, but he couldn't really remember what he had done to help them, he was still in a sleep fueled haze when he had done it. He tried to take a shower to shake off the sleep, but of course his brothers had used up all the hot water, forcing him to suffer freezing cold water on his skin. It woke him up, but he wasn't happy about it.

By the time he was dressed and ready for the day, the house was empty. His older brother having left for work, and the twins rushing off to play with friends. He attempted to use the quiet to work on a project due for school, but couldn't manage to focus. His brain seemed to be actively steering him towards anything other than his schoolwork. He gave up after two hours of trying, thoroughly fed up. It didn't help at all when he tried to instead turn to his mermaid research, only to discover that his oldest brother Leo had thrown out all of his samples. Nomatter how many times Lewis explained that the toenail clippings and hair were for important scientific research, Leo didn't seem to respect it. He would have to call the girls to get more. In his first stroke of luck for the day, Cleo told him that she and Rikki could meet at the Juice Net Cafe so he could get them.

He managed to waste time until it was time to meet up with the girls, making himself lunch and making a minimal effort to clean his room. Still, his heart wasn't in any of the work, he just wanted to see his friends. They tended to help if he was in a sour mood. He smiled as he looked at his watch and realized that it was time to meet up with them in just half an hour. He gathered up a bag with sample jars and his microscope, excited to get to work.

Leaving his house, he managed to be in a somewhat positive mood. This didn't last very long though, as he reached the pier and was met by the snide faces of Zane and Nate. They approached him like vultures, looking for easy prey. Lewis sighed and stopped walking as they stood in front of him.

"What do you want Zane, I'm kind of on my way to meet some friends, something you wouldn't know anything about."

"On the way to meet Cleo, Rikki and Emma? Because they do seem to be the only friends you have. Come on Lewis, we all know that." Zane had a smirk glued to his face as he spoke, and Nate let out an ear-piercing laugh as he did.

"I'm only going to ask one more time, what do you want Zane? Because if you can't think of anything, I'm going to leave."

"Go on then Lewis, leave."

Lewis tried to push past them, but in the process Zane managed to grab onto his backpack. It slid off of Lewis's shoulder and into the water next to the pier.

"Zane you dick! Do you have any idea how much it cost me to buy the equipment in there!"

"Sorry mate, better luck next time."

Lewis fought back rage as the two boys walked away, laughing with each other. He struggled to reach the backpack as it slowly sank into the water. Luckily he managed to catch one of the straps and pull it back up onto the pier. Luckily the only thing the water would have hurt was his microscope. What wasn't lucky was the fact that the microscope was completely ruined, and he would have to work his ass off to afford a new one. On top of the destroyed technology, he was now running late to meet Cleo and Rikki. He quickly put on his backpack, cringing as he remembered that it was wet, the water seeping into his shirt. He did his best to ignore it as he ran to get to the cafe so the girls wouldn't have to wait on him.

Lewis McCartney and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad WeekWhere stories live. Discover now