Who Are You?

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"Well, another nice day at Helianthus." I said that when I also carrying a lot of presents from my people.
Well, if I'm telling you that I'm not happy receiving these presents, then I'm telling a big lie. But the most important thing after all is the trust of the people to me. I'm really happy to see them greet me warmly. Sometimes when someone is in trouble, I will gladly help them with everything I had. Maybe that's the main reason why I'm loved by my people.
I came home on time, my schedule works perfectly. The gatekeeper saw me carrying a lot of presents. He doesn't look surprised, as this is what usually happens when I walk outside the palace to greet the people.
"Well as expected from Miss Sophie! You've obtained the people's heart again right?" He said when he opens the gate for me.
"Well yes of course I am! By the way thanks for your hard work! I'll give you some of these presents then! I can't eat too much sweets, I'm a princess after all!"
I give him some sweets I just got from the people to the gatekeeper. Well I don't have a sweet tongue after all.
"Thanks a lot Miss Sophie! But are you sure you wanna give me a lot of these? There's just a few left for you, you know!"
"Don't worry, I don't really have a sweet tongue, so you can have it!"
"Well okay then... Once again, thanks Miss Sophie!"
"You're welcome! Keep up your good work!" As I'm smiling towards him, and somehow my smile just made him stunned.
"Yes miss!"
After took some bath and wear my usual princess cloth, I went directly to my room's window where I usually looking outside for some scenery of my nation. I open the window and a usual white scenery now can be seen, it's as beautiful as usual.
"Ahh, the view is as good as usual." While a cold but gentle breeze stroke my hair.
"Beautiful indeed."
"Huh?" And now I see someone about my age standing beside me." I'm freezing in surprise.
"E-eh-eh-eh? Who are you?" While I'm also surprised when I see someone besides me looking at the city from my window as I do.
"Well sorry for making you surprised, but I'm not here for playing." She said it as her tone changing to serious tone.
"Ah right, I haven't introduce myself. It was such a pleasure to meet you Princess Sophie, I'm Abreana Zeline, the northern heaven envoy. One of six heaven representative that was created by my master for Terraland, and Helianthus is under my control." She's smiling.
"I'm specially made to help anyone who become or will become the leader. So nice to meet you." As she bowed reverently for me.
"You said it like you're our servant already..."
"Well from now on I AM your servant and also your guide, we'll be together till you reached your father's recent condition. In simple, when you're 3 months away from Terraland Switch Period, your servant would say farewell to you, and welcome to the new chosen candidate."
"Then, if you're going to talk about something that serious, we should have a tea with us. That way our talk would be a serious, but relaxing talk. Sit there and relax till it's ready." As I walk towards my cupboard and started to make a pot of tea.
She walks towards the little table set in the corner of my room and started to smile, endlessly. That's scary really...
"Ehm, could you stop smiling like that? That's kinda scary you know... anyway, the tea is ready. Here, help yourself."
"Such a pleasure to have a tea made from the hand of the princess, you're really inside my image. As you perfect from every side." As she smiles again and again.
"Really, could you stop smiling? That's scary... Also, I'm not a perfect lady..."
"Well just take it as a simple intermezzo won't you?" she smiles again... as I'm starting to get used to her scary smile.
I sit face-to-face with her, and she drinks the tea elegantly. What a surprise though, as I love someone that really cherish the tea enjoyment. I've been really looking for years to find someone who drink it like it's supposed to be, drink it "Elegantly".
"So, where have we been?"
"Oh yeah, As you know, it's already 3 months away from Terraland Switch Period. So I'm basically here to help you doing your job before leading this nation, as well as how to get more and more trust from your people."
"Eh? Is there really any instant way?" I'm really confused.
"This isn't really an instant way though, but I'm sure your father have told you about this isn't it?" As she sipping the tea again.
"About what?" I really am confused about this.
"What? So Alphonse Celine haven't told you yet? Sigh... that Oldman is really getting more and more unreliable even about a simple thing..."
"Really, just tell me NOW." I'm too curious, I'm letting out my expressions too much.
"Wow wow, calm down Miss Sophie, I'll tell you everything you might need."
"Oh, pardon me about that... really, it's not usual for me to rise my tone up. I'm eaten by my own curiosity."
"Say sorry just because of that? You really are kind-hearted don't you? That's what I mean by you're perfect. Anyway, is the sword has been given yet?"
"Now it's getting more and more confusing... just now you started a new topic about a sword. Anyway, what sword exactly is it?"
"My god... you really should take-over this nation faster, he started forgot about every single thing."
"Fine, fine... I'll do it 3 months again."
Her tea is done for, she asked me for one more cup, and of course I gladly make one more for her. Well what makes this conversation really interesting is, I really want to know about the leadership. Especially about how to lead my own nation.
"Good. So, after this short talk, you should ask him for that sword. It's one of the six legendary weapon that was given by the god for Helianthus, It's name is "Guardian Zero" The sword that wields The Power of Light. In simple, The Guardian Zero is a sword of light who given hereditary from one leader to the other."
"Wow, that's amazing! So anyone who have that sword is officially a king or queen?"
"In simple yes, but the sword also makes you one of the six Terraland protector along with the other nation's leader."
"And that means?"
"That means if there is something really bad threaten this world you should fight alongside the other nation's leader to protect Terraland until the last drop of your blood."
"Wow, that's really awesome!" My eyes shines brightly.
"What? Is that something that really "awesome"? Your sense is Alphonse-ish to be honest."
"Well whatever, what's more?"
"Oh wait stop there, I have to ask you Miss Sophie. Have you EVER use a sword? Or at least know the technique to use a sword?"
My face turned red, what a shame really. I easily says cool, awesome, and neat, for me who will wield the sword. But I forgot one thing : I haven't learn any single fighting skill!
"E-eh, a-actually I haven't learn any fighting skills, even with my barehand."
"Sigh... don't make me start to think that you are really this hopeless in terms of fighting skill. That's a joke right?"

"O-oh, well actually I hate a joke that constructed from a lie."
"WHAT?! Then I drew my words about Ms. Perfect before! I think you really have learn at least something about fighting skill! That's also important for a leader you know!"
"O-Okay..." I'm cornered by her words, can't say more though, as I know I'm in the fault. But wait... Pa never told me to do some fighting practice... why? Well whatever I don't care, just let what's already happened.
"Well let's save this conversations for tomorrow. Now your primary job, is to obtain that sword from your father, and please... LEARN HOW TO FIGHT! ESPECIALLY WITH GUARDIAN ZERO!"
"Fine-fine, I'll do it. You don't need to be that pushy, jeez..."
"Everything I've done in the end is only for your sake! Because I do care about this nation's future!"
"Well okay then. Thanks for today, emm... how do I call you?"
"Simply call me "Zel", that way you can easily call me than adding "Abreana-Abreana" or "Zeline-Zeline" thing in every single of your word."
"Okay, thanks Zel! I'll do every task you given to me today!"
"Very well, Miss Sophie... Remember, I'll always be with you, so wherever you go, or whatever you do, I'll be on your side. Well the other human can't see me though, only you and the other candidates who can see me now."
"Good news then, since I hate explaining something to the others. Oh yeah anyway... you simply follow wherever I go, right?"
"Well yeah, you can put it that way."
From today, my "boring-as-hell" life will be changed... I don't know what awaits me in the future, but one thing that certain : I'll be the best leader ever!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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