Chapter 4

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While me and Eren are walking in the forest he starts to mumble.

Y/n: what are you over there mumbling about

Eren:  oh it's nothing 

two minutes after he then said what was bothering him.

Eren: um it's just im wondering what this training is going to consist of

Y/n: don't worry about it it's not anything you can't handle

Eren: oh ok 

-------Time Skip-------

After we stop walking he then looks around to see the Plainfield. He then looks at me.

 Eren: So this is where you train

Y/n: oh no, what you are going to do Is nowhere close to what I do or can do, what you are going to do is the bare minimum

 Eren: so you think I'm weak

Y/n: no that's not what I'm saying, I'm just saying it's more than what usual people do

Eren: I'm pretty sure I could handle it 

Y/n: You know you already suck at you're titan training right

Eren: That's different 

 Y/n: fine whatever don't say I didn't warn you.

--------Time Skip-------

Once he convinced me to take him to where I train I took him on top of the wall.

Eren: ok so why are we up here

Y/n: obviously for training what else

Eren: I'm sorry what

Y/n: you have to run five whole laps around this wall

Eren: But what if I fall

Y/n: turn into a titan duh

He then stood there and started at me for 3 minutes before he started to run.

Y/n: ok let's go

Eren: You're not gonna make me run around the wall

Y/n: I'm not trying to kill you, but this proves I'm right

Eren: Hold on you-

Y/n: See you down there

Eren: what- wait

-------Time Skip-------

Once we got off the wall we went back to the Plainfield.

Y/n: ok so to start you off, you can do 2 laps 100 sit-up's and push-up's, sounds easy enough

Eren: I would say I would have gotten better luck with Mikasa but I doubt it 

When he got done we went back to HQ seeing that the sun was high up. We headed to the dining hall seeing that it was breakfast time and he seemed like he would die without food. When we got in there it wasn't that loud and people were slowly but surely coming in.

Eren: so where should we sit

Y/n: You can choose, I haven't really talked to anyone here but you

Not long after we sat down everyone else came in including the higher-ups. Hanji and Levi squad aside from Oluo had choose to come and sit with us and Levi had came not long after.

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