Ever had that feeling when you wake for school and think what's the point of getting up early?
Well my nightmare came true.
My name is Evie Olivia Jones I'm 17 and it's been a year since my dad died. Eventually my mom couldn't take living in that house so we moved out in UK for her promotion, I know big right. It sucks because I have to start a new life here, and new friends,
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Why me? Huh? Just why? I woulda been in bed on Netflix and eating food.
However, It's Monday, the worst day of the week.
"I don't want to" I said with a slumped face. "I guess you ain't gettin no breakfast from McDonald's then" Bruhhh she be playin.
"Did I say I don't want to?" I said "I don't want to wait any minute." I fake chuckled
"That's what I thought, hurry up because I need to be in my office in about an hour, so speedy Gonzalez that ass up"
"Can you not mom!" I'm not going to dress all nice because it's Monday and ain't nobody got time for that. So I'm wearing sweats and a tank with checkered sleeved shirt with converse shoes.Dont I sound pretty today. My hair is a lot of work so I'll just put it up in a bun. "Mom I'm ready!" I go down the stairs and grab my bag and apple. "Hold up let me just do my hair" I hate when my mom does that tell me to hurry up but she's not ready herself. "ugh." I slumped "oh hush I'm done now" she took her briefcase and locked the door. We went in the car and drove to McDonald's to pick up my breakfast then soon enough my mom drop me off at my new school. RidgeWay High School "Bye mom love you." I sighed. "Aww come on, it won't be that bad." she said,I hope not. This school is to big, and to perky for me. I'm the pickie type and I don't like this one bit already. Well I got my schedule
1p. Calculus
2p. World history
3p. free period
4p. Extreme dance
5p. Ap English
6p. lunch
7p. Physical Ed.
8p. Experimental science
At least I have a free period. Well here I go...

Beyond The Waters (BWWM)(SLOW UPDATING)
Fiksi Remaja"What does love mean to you Kyle ?" She said "Well it means sacrificing something for that person and not regretting of making that sacrifice because you love that person so deeply that your heart starts beating 5 times faster then your normal hea...