Nice to meet you my name is...

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Piper: Shopie?
Shopie: Yeah?
Piper: Who is that?
Shopie: He is the school nerd
Piper: Shopie you can't just say that
Shopie: Sorry I just want Hayden to like me
Piper: Be yourself and if he doesn't like who you are then he is not the one
Shopie: Thanks Piper!

(Walker trying to talk to people but they just ingore them or they Don't want him around them then Piper talks to him)
Piper: Hi my name is Piper whats yours?
Walker: My name is Wal-
Gavin: Hey Piper? *winks at Piper*
Piper: Hey Gavin i was talking to uhh...
Gavin: Walker. 😒
Piper: Well Gavin i need to go to class
Gavin: Hey want to hang out after school?
Piper: Sure bye!😣
Gavin: see you
(Piper off to class)
Walker: How did you?
Gavin: I have ways Walker and Stay away from Piper or else and gonna pick embrassing pics of you in social media on a different account.
Walker: Fine
(Gavin talks to Coco)
Coco: I am gonna break up with you Gavin it's over
Gavin: Well i don't care i like someone else.
Coco: Whatever!

(Piper is over at Gavin house)

Gavin: Piper did you always have those beautiful eyes.
Piper: Umm... Gavin are you okay?
Gavin: More than okay? *leans to kiss
Piper: Gavin i think you migh-
Gavin: *kisses her*
Piper: *pulls away*
Gavin: So you were saying?
Piper: I gotta go bye!
Gavin: Bye!

Piper Rockelle and Gavin MagnusWhere stories live. Discover now