Diary Entries June

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June 3rd
The children in the playground run around, yelling, screaming as usual. I always liked hearing them, the voices of the young generation. Today, I shut my window and after shouting at them to keep it down. The window doesn't work, they keep at it with all they have. I tried turning up the music but in my head I still know they are there.

June 7th
Dad came by today, apparently I haven't been out in a week. I told him to fuck off and leave me with my work. He got mad at me and started crying, I threw him out and shut the door. At least the kids were quiet for a bit. I should ask him to come over more often! Just kidding, I hope he never comes back.

June 9th
Mrs. Genieve came by today, the nosy bitch. Asking questions about how I feel and what my plans are now. If I didn't need her to bring me groceries I would gladly never talk to her again. I saw her lookin at where the pictures on the wall used to be so after she left I took a hammer to the wall. I felt a lot better (or as my mom would say: "It ain't all bad!"). But it is.

June 10th
Another day, another reminder. It seems the whole world keeps at it. This time it was the school sending over some people to 'talk and process'. I didn't even open the door so they left after a bit. I had another attack in the meantime.

June 12th
She won't be coming over again, I'd rather starve. This bitch, this woman, this filthy fucking nose wide eyed slanty skank tried to talk about feelings and grief. Eventually she left me alone - but the loneliness is like a weight. I just want it to end.

June 25th
Today is the day, I won't be alone anymore. It ends here.

June 27th
Toby got hit by a truck today, he's in surgery at the moment. If he dies, I die with him.

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