Tall People Shouldn't Be Scared of Heights

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Nako is astonishingly strong for someone of her stature, Yujin thinks as she clings to a fence. The smaller girl is tugging on her shirt, heels firmly planted into the ground as she yanks and yanks. Yujin swears she can feel her shirt tearing in Nako's monstrous grip.

"Nako, you're going to tear my shirt off."

"If that's what it takes, then so be it!" Nako huffs. Her eyebrows are tightly knit as she summons all of her strength in her 4-foot-11 body.

"Ripping my clothes off will not change my mind," Yujin insists.

"I don't know why you think that's an appropriate sentence for someone your age," Nako grumbles, "but you are going on this damn cable car with me, whether you want it or not."

Yujin spares a glance behind her. Looming over the small figure of Nako is one of her greatest fears: the cable car. When their managers had announced that they had a couple of free days after their Hong Kong concert, Yujin was estatic. To her, this meant eating everything in sight and buying some cute accessories for her tiny partner-in-crime, one Yabuki Nako. She had imagined traipsing through bustling city streets and inhaling egg tarts, not... This.

"Nako, please, I can't." Yujin hates how her voice has taken on a pleading, whiny tone. She heaves a sigh in relief when the hands clutching at her shirt relax their grip for a moment.

"Does it make sense that a tall person is scared of heights?" Nako appears in front of her, pouting and putting on her best hurt-puppy look. How Yujin wants to reach out and pinch her cheeks and wipe away the pout from Nako's face. So she does, foolish and naive as she is, releasing her hold on the fence to place her hands on Nako's cheeks.

In a flash Nako grabs Yujin by the wrists and drags her towards a waiting cable car. Yujin immediately realises her mistake and squirms in Nako's grasp. She knows she's fighting a losing battle; god knows how much muscle mass Nako has put on just from exercising with Eunbi. She yelps as she is shoved into a gondola, lunging for the closing door as Nako gracefully slides in and sits down. Yujin drums her fists on the glass doors in a panic, but the cable car assistant has suddenly gone wonderfully deaf and blind.

As the gondola takes off from the ground, Yujin slumps to the ground. She glares at Nako, who wears a triumphant grin on her face. "Evil," Yujin mutters.

"Chicken," Nako retaliates. She lights up as they leave the station, pressing her face against the window to stare at the landscape below. Yujin quietly thinks Nako's wide eyes make her too cute for words. She'd never admit this to Nako, but as she sees the way Nako gasps and points in wonder at every little thing she spots, she's actually pretty happy that Nako's dragged her to this hellish place if it means she could watch the older girl fall in love with the world.

That is until Nako jabs a finger at the floor. "Yujin, look!" Yujin looks down instinctively and starts to have a mental breakdown -- the floor is made of glass. She can see trees, people walking under their feet, even buildings.

"Ohfuckno-" Yujin scrambles to her feet and attempts to get herself as far away from the floor as possible. She curls up in one of the seats, tucking her head between her knees and squeezes her eyes shut. "How far more? Dear god, how far more?"

Tall People ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now