Chapter 15- Mum life

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Backstory- Tom went away for the weekend. Now that Steph is 4 they're both trying to make sure she sleeps in her own bed at night.
Peris pov-
I got Steph ready for bed. She knew she had to sleep in her own bed but I doubt she actually will. I made her a drink before bed. She was sitting on the counter
'Steph do you want your milk in a cup or the sippy bottle'
Steph- a sippy bottle.
I carried her off the counter. I sat on the sofa and put her on my lap. Her head was on my chest as she drank her bottle
Steph- I miss daddy
'I do to but he'll be back tomorrow'
Steph- because daddy's gone I can sleep in your bed
'No you've got to sleep in yours. Your a big girl now'
Steph- I'll try
'Good girl. Cmon then let's go and read you a book'
I put Steph to bed. Brooke was coming round. She still hasn't told anyone about her pregnancy. My plan was to try and persuade Brooke to tell Ollie and invite him round too so she could tell him. She knocked on the door. I opened it and we sat down in the sofa.
'So how you doing'
Brooke- I'm really stressed out and still so scared. I haven't told anyone
'Ollie needs to know. And I get that your scared but having a child could change your life forever. You never know. I mean yeah I love going out with my mates getting drunk but I'd choose mum life over that any day.
Steph ran out of her room and came to me.
Steph- i don't want to sleep in my room mummy. I want to go in yours
'Steph you have to learn to sleep in your room'
Steph- please mummy
I took her by the hand and put her back in her room
'If you sleep in your room, I'll a get a treat for you tomorrow'
I sat back down
Brooke- how do I deal with that
'You just have to keep calm and do what your meant to do'
Brooke- I wish I was good with kids just like you are
'I was never good with kids. Not even my own kid but when you have a baby mum life just hits whether your ready or not'
Brooke- so you think I should keep this baby
'Well yeah but that's completely up to you and Ollie which is why you should tell him. Brooke he's so supportive'
Brooke- but how do I know we're ready for a baby I've never really dealt with one before
Steph came out again and ran up to me.
Steph- it's too dark
'I've switched your fairy lights on babe. Brooke why don't you try with Steph'
Brooke- erm okay
She took Steph by the hand
Brooke- come on Steph you have to go to bed
Steph- no I don't want to
Brooke- if you don't you don't get your treat tomorrow. You have to be good for your mummy.
She closed the door and came back to sit on the sofa
Brooke- I did alright didn't I
'Yeah you did great. Now the only thing left to do is tell Ollie ok.'
Brooke-I'm not sure
'Brooke you can't keep putting it off. He's going to find out one way or another. Don't you think he should find out from you'
Brooke- yeah ok I'll tell him
'Good because he's coming round around now'
Brooke- what
'Sit back and relax. I'm here to help and support you Brooke. This is the best thing you could do right now okay'
Brooke- yeah
She took a deep breath and Ollie walked through the door and sat down opposite us
Ollie- hiya guys Brooke Peri told me that need to tell me something
Brooke- erm yeah
Just them Steph came back into the living room
'Oh my god Steph.'
I picked her up
'And to think that me and Tom are trying for another one'
Ollie- aw wow congrats I guess.
I made Steph more milk and put it into her bottle. I sat down and put her back in my arms and sort of cradled her like a baby
'Sorry guys carry on'
Ollie- soo
Brooke- erm Peri
'Brooke it's ok you can tell him. Just take a deep breath'
Brooke- Ollie I know I should have been honest with you sooner but I was scared. I'm pregnant with your baby and I don't know what to do.
Ollies head fell in his hands
Ollie- I don't know what to say. I thought we used protection.
Brooke- we did but um it might have split
Ollie- well what are we going to do
'Me and Tom can always help you with anything. But I think you two should both go to hospital to check if everything's alright'
Ollie- I don't know if I should be happy. I've always wanted a family
'Well I guess it is a good thing. Steph is my world'
Steph fell asleep in my arms.
Ollie- well I'll always support you Brooke maybe this is what we need
An hour later they left Steph was still asleep in my arms. I love being a mum. It's the best job in the world

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