The great hunt, part 1

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It was early in the morning but Avaloniia was already up, this was her day. The beginning of her road to becoming a legend. Before her parents past on to the wide hunting fields in the sky her father teached her all he knew about his profession, his skills.

Avaloniia her father was a thief, not the bad kind that robs people for the fun of it. No, the skills that her father possesed were called that of a thief.

He was adept at the art of stealth. Made use of the element of surprise and shadow to get close to his enemies, and was deadly in one-on-one combat. On top of that he was well known for setting traps and going where he was never meant to go.

One last time Avaloniia checked her gear. She was wearing her mothers old battle clothing. It was a bit worn down but fitted her perfect. The light and dark brown colors would help her hide better in the forest. She looked at the two daggers laying on table, a gift she got from her father. They werent the best weapons out their but she knew she would get new weapons and other gear on her adventures.

She looked in the mirror before leaving, her hood covering her pure white hair. Under it you could see part of her young face. She is one of the youngest to enter the hunt this year. Most of the participents are around 24 years old while she just hit 18 2 months ago. The light blue and grey eyes in the mirror look back at her.

"You can do this.", she tells herself before walking out the door.

Standing in the middle of Hoelbrak Avaloniaa looks around. Laying around the Might and Main center of Hoelbrak are five gigantic structures: the Great Lodge, holding the fang of Jormag, and four lodges dedicated to the Spirits of the Wild: Wolf, Bear, Raven, and Snow Leopard where the norn seek wisdom and commune with the spirits.

Hoelbrak is located in the Shiverpeak Mountains, rising above the Wayfarer Foothills. And this is where her adventures start.

As she walks the Eastern Watchpost which will lead her to Wayfarer Foothills she passes the Wolf Lodge. Standing still for a second she pays her respect to the Spirit of the Wolf before going through the portal to the Wayfare Foothills.

Avaloniia finds herself at the Snowlord's Gate. The Snowlord's Gate is a small fortified area in the southern half of the Wayfarer Foothills, at the base of Hangrammr Climb. A path to the east leads to Borealis Forest.

"Hail, Hero! Are you here to take part in this year's Great Hunt?", speaks a voice behind Avaloniia, as she turns around she notices Thora Griffonbane, a large Norn women with black hair. Thora Griffonbane is well known among the norn. Not cause the heroic things she has done but more of her guidance towards the new hunters who join the great hunt.

"Of course I am! Just tell me what needs to be done and stand clear.", Avaloniia answers her.

Thora Griffonbane lets out a laugh, then tells speaks again, "Hunt down three of the wildest animals you can find and take trophies from your kills. Present only the finest to Ido the Tanner to prove your worth."

"Whoever has the best trophies, and whose bravery is the greatest, will be invited to join the Great Hunt."

"Knut Whitebear has said this season's event will be one of the most dangerous, so be ready. I've even heard the renowed Eir Stegalkin might attend."

"I look forward to impressing them both—after I've earned my place in the hunt.", replies Avaloniia before taking off into the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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